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  • "God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that will he reap" (Gal. 6:7) -GB
  • In spirituality, everyone is at a different level. I think that both situations are sin, but it is difficult for me to do it because im not at that level yet. I believe the first one is because the newspaper costs money and also a group of people wo…
  • Yes that is what the bible teaches.
  • The reason why the youth does not know that he has lust in his heart is because he is too overconfident in his ability to resist temptation. He is blatantly saying that the devil has no power over me. In the second paragraph you quoted, he goes on t…
  • Zoom player is just a media player. On their website they have a free version of the software and a version that you have to pay for.
  • First one needs to ask themselves, "What is the purpose of Dating? Or what is my purpose for Dating?" The most used answer to this question to this question is "To find the right person for me to marry." If this were in fact the true purpose wouldnt…
    in DONT DATE Comment by andrewg June 2006
  • I think some people are forgetting this verse in the bible, It is good for a man not to touch a woman. - 1 Corinthians 7:1 This is the most blunt verse in the bible about sexual actions. It covers everything that our society deems as "minor", for …
    in Sex Comment by andrewg June 2006
  • It shouldnt matter too much because if we are really into the liturgy I think we would know which part we were at no matter the language barrier.
  • I feel that in some occasions, yes I hear people talking about the church being to long, repetitive, etc. I dont think the church is that long, this is coming from a deacon, I dont know I guess I dont feel really the time, I guess because being a de…
  • I think what abouna meant by that was, nowadays you dont have to actually kill the animal because of modern conveniences, you go to the supermarket and go get the meat. They get this meat from farmers who raise cattle not hunters. We are in no need …
    in fishing Comment by andrewg February 2006
  • Wow that color is hard too read ;D
  • That could not have been said better gmankbadi.
  • You dont even have to be coptic to agree with that! rotfl
    in Sports Comment by andrewg January 2006
  • She did post that she got the information from so that is enough.
  • I think that if a person is consistently behaving in an unchristian like manner that abouna can ban them from communion. In order to increase in our relationship with God by reading the bible, praying, fasting. We should always be trying to grow spi…
  • I am sorry but it is not very clear what your question is.
    in tips Comment by andrewg August 2005
  • "And the time will come when the mad people will look at the normal people and say, look at those crazy people because they dont act like us." I think that was St. Athanasious who said that. If you make up your mind and do what God wants you to do …
  • Actually many monks do have a college education.
  • [quote author=HKelley link=board=1;threadid=132;start=#msg12503 date=1097013931] I pray that as I approach this answer from an Orthodox position, it might bring clarity to the issue of female 'diaconates'. Research in the Orthodox history has revea…
    in Disgrace? Comment by andrewg July 2005
  • Women can serve as deaconesses and can actually have big roles in the church, there was a thread on deaconesses which really explains those roles really well. Although they cannot go in the altar for reasons that have been described on other threads…
    in Disgrace? Comment by andrewg July 2005
  • even if you were covered from neck to ankles (both guys and girls) when you get out of the water, there isnt exactly any breathing room between the cloth of the clothing and the skin. Wouldnt that kind of show a persons physique??(did i spell that r…
    in swimming Comment by andrewg July 2005
  • In India the children prefer their parents to select their husband or bride. Because they know and trust that their parents have the experience and know what kinds of qualities are important for marriage. Of course they have the caste system in Indi…
  • But it is how the artist expresses the language. I am not condoning listening to music. I am just offering argument. sorry for the run around. I think that as we grow spiritually we will start to give up this time of listening to music for more bene…
  • I am very sorry it came out that way on the last post. I think what i'm trying to say is that it is pretty easy to cast judge on music with obvious loud cursing and improper references in rapp and rock and the like. Almost all arabic songs are harml…
  • I think its spelled ghabeaya for a female (not trying to be rude). But not all arabic music is for dancing actually I think that there are more arabic songs that are not dancing, it is just the ones most people hear are the ones that are played at p…
  • You saw my big fat greek wedding right? Yes it is true that they must convert for the marriage to be done in our church. Its kind of complicated though because who knows if they are converting for the marriage or actually converting for the faith it…
    in marriage Comment by andrewg April 2005
  • They had something on tv about the bible code where they take the bible written in hebrew and look at every multiple letter, like every 50th letter to reveal hidden messages. They found the date 2012. Now I really doubt that it will happen as they s…
  • I always thought she just wasn't allowed in church Church and communion are by some people used interchangably in speach. So maybe the person switched the two words. Oh well you got the right one eventually. ;D
  • Don't rush it..if you are 25 or even 30 or 35 I hope it wont take until 35 for me. ;D GB