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  • Since has X been provided previously, then Y: is St. Yousab (52nd Pope of Alexandria)
  • Q: St. Quadratus, (One of the seventy disciples)
  • Hizz Child, I refer you to Romans 16:17-20: “Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their ow…
  • Mike, St Isaac the Syrian teaches that sometimes the grace of God leaves us for a short time, in order for us to remember how utterly helpless we are without God’s grace. Its absence reveals to us our weakness and poverty, and teaches us to come ag…
  • Copticcross3, I’m not going to inculcate you by reiterating the same comments that have been mentioned prior. All I have to say is that it’s your responsibility as well as obligation as a Christian to protect your brothers and sisters from falling …
  • I’ve pasted below an article by H.G. Bishop Angalous about Feminism and the Role of Women.  I figured it’s relatively relevant to the questions that are being discussed in this thread.  In His Name Feminism and the Role of Women Feminism is one …
    in Women Comment by joyisgod June 2007
  • ..what's the sin? I believe its none of our business in knowing the nature of his/her sin. No sin is greater then any other, but we tend to associate particular sins as being far more corrupt and sinful then other sins. My advice is to talk wit…
  • Article Continued... Homosexuality - Against the Church A. The Church In our Coptic Orthodox Church, we call the church the Kingdom of God on earth. The church is the "new creation" as St. Paul said," . . . therefore if any man be in Christ, he i…
  • Marythemoderator, By your user name I’m going to assume that you are the moderator of that yahoo group and since your only posts on this website has been linking the url of your group, then its not a far off bet that you are promoting your website …
  • Kerestina and Jydeacon, I have to disagree with the both of you on not being able to see God’s love. We see God’s love everyday through the individuals who bring us closer to God. We see God’s eternal love for us when we are loved and when we lov…
  • Geraldine, I’m actually living in the states (northwest) and I know for a fact that the churches in my state do not take part officially in the African mission trips. Which is why I’m a bit at loss for resources or contact information. The link yo…
  • His Grace Bishop Youssef's opinion on this matter: Is it true that Christmas trees and Christmas decorations are derived from a pagan holiday? Is it sinful to celebrate Christmas with a tree and decorations? His Grace's response: The Christmas t…
  • Kristina, Very well written paper, job well done!!! I would just like to add one comment to the quote that you inserted in your paper at the end. You quoted H.H. Pope Shenouda III saying that "[m]ake sure fasting changes something in you." That…
  • However, it is impossible to find a religous toy with a good price. Where can I get religous toys??? It does not have to be a toy per se, but if you are determined to give them presents then you can give them a religious cartoon, a picture book, sai…
  • Bentbabayasooa, Rewarding your students by giving them presents might not be the best way to approach the problem because the kids will tend to concentrate on the prize and forget what was the reason they got the present. They will be too focused …
  • Baladoos, You are who you are by the grace of God, and He does everything that is good for you. Do not despair because then you are questing God’s will but rather keep in mind that He loves you and does what’s best for you. “If you then, bein…
  • Try: Currently its undergoing maintenance but i'm sure you might find something when its up.
  • Vasillous, Forgiveness is hard, and it takes time to really forgive someone that has deeply wounded you. Forgetting what that individual did is naïve since we as humans tend to remember the negative feelings and ironically we forget the good times…
  • The devil tries to take advantage of everyone anytime he can, it does not matter the state of mood one is in. However, it is when one is sad/depressed/upset that they start to contemplate on their situation and how unjust God is. God is very much …
  • I ran by this article a while back and thought that it provided a pretty rational calculation to the date, but I do not know whether it’s the accurate date or not. So take it as a theory until a better explanation arises. The Christian era ("A.D."…
  • Jesusiskingofkings, Like I said previously not all are called to the monastery even though they might posses certain traits that leads them to the illusion that its right for them. With that said I don’t think being antisocial or rather “independe…
  • It's wrong, because Christ taught us to turn the other cheek when someone strikes us. I’m not saying to become a wimp and let them step all over you but you can be tactful in the way you address them. For instance if you keep ignoring them then …
  • Jesusiskingofkings, The monastery is a calling to individuals and not all are called. Some may want to become monks because they posses certain traits that leads them to the illusion that the monastery is right for them, but the decision to enter …
  • I have read several commentary on “Give us this day our daily bread” and the best explanation I found was in the Orthodox Study Bible. So I typed up the commentary that they provided for you and hopefully their explanation is helpful. The expres…
  • Baladoos, Just pray about this and let God’s will be done. I’m positive that you’re very hurt, and upset but have faith in the Lord our Savior and He will guide you and help you through your situation. Many people have it worst off then you, and…
  • Egyptians just care about a name, I think sometimes they would prefer you introduce yourself with your job title. “Hi, I’m a (your position).” I don’t think its wrong to want to know what a person does; it’s a good conversation starter. But it i…
  • Loving someone will by no means make them love you back, no matter how strongly you feel towards them. Unfortunately, you can’t force how someone feels towards you. Once I took a sociology class at my university and a theory came up about love. …
    in Love Comment by joyisgod October 2006
  • Mary, May God be with you during these difficult times in your life. My suggestion to you would be to talk to your father of confession, and ask him to get in contact with Anba Poula. I’m sure they will figure something out for your situation. …
    in divorce Comment by joyisgod October 2006