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  • Hi Mabsoota, At least you got to a real church which isn't anathematized by the Council of Ephesus (therefore the Holy Spirit) and is still part of the Body of Christ, the one Eucharistic communion. God-willing you will have more opportunities to re…
  • Hello Tigran, Of course, you can read about it here and compare. My initial thoughts lead me to think that Photius himself (or perhaps Iberians) probably made interpolations and outright forgeries surrounding the council.  After all, Photius was kno…
  • Dearest Tigran, I have to take issue with this interpretation for a few reasons: 1) Canons 13 and 14 are not saying "we anathematize Chalcedon but anathematize anathematizing those who agree with Chalcedon."  This would be self-contradictory, since…
  • For this reason, the saints of the Church recognized that this applies to the Chalcedonians: "Likewise are the new schismatics, Chalcedonians, the forerunners of Anti-Christ, the followers of Nestorius the damned, and Leo the sacrilegious."- St Gre…
  • Hello Mabsoota, It's kind of you to offer your opinion on "the official position."  However, it will be of interest to check out what the official sources of the Church are, so that all parties involved can be informed of the official position, with…
  • To those of whom it is of concern, The Chalcedonites are anathematized not just by the Holy Fathers, but also by the Councils of Ephesus' condemnation of all Dyophysites-blanketly.  They are anathematized therefore by the Holy Spirit, and so in an …
  • Hello Tigran, John of Damascus stole some things from the Orthodox Church Fathers (as well as Nestorius' analogy of a man carrying another man, which he slightly modified to hide his bile), this would count as one of them.  Here is what St Odzneci s…
  • Hello Dearest Tigran, Some sources of apologetics for Orthodoxy that refute Chalcedonite heterodox are: Polish Miaphysite blogApologia Orthodoxia blogAs you mentioned - Metropolitan Bishoy's of blessed memory's website. We are in favor of the Chalce…
  • Hello Tigran, We absolutely agree with this.  Srb Hovhannes Odzneci says it and it is a brilliant refutation of Julianites and Chalcedonites because it shows the corruptibility of the Savior before the Resurrection according to the Severian definiti…
  • Hello, The Church accepts that St Mary did have original sin.  While it is legitimate to attack certain Western ideas of original sin, the following about Augustinian original sin is not true: "nor [is it] in the writings of the early church fathers…
  • Hello Esme, Good news!  There is no question on the issue.  Homosexual activities are without reservation rejected by the Church as immoral, unlawful, and absolutely against God's plan for His creation.  There is not a single father of confession in…
  • Hello Tigran, There is a difference between considering a sect to be properly "a church," even that due to its roots that it is "a church originating with Christ," and saying that this church is in union with the "One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Orth…
  • Hi Mabsoota, By all means, I don't want to debate people in Christ.  I don't consider these discussions "debate," but only as discussions with fellow members of Christ's One True Church, who genuinely seek to know and love the truth (as St Severus t…
  • Hello Tigran, We've addressed St Nerses Shnorhali before, and basically there are a few reasons why we cannot use him to support the modern idea of ecumenism: 1. St Nerses did not say that the Chalcedonian heretics were always orthodox.  He wanted t…
  • Hi Aba, Excellent points.  It is, of course, true that our Holy Fathers knew more during their time, since they routinely debated Chalcedonian Nestorians, other Nestorians, and other groups of theological dissidents.  Also, our Holy Fathers were hol…
  • Hello Tigran, Yes, I can send you St Pope Timothy II's excellent refutation of the Tome of Leo (he basically quotes from 1/3-1/2 of the entire Tome and refutes it part by part) and the Synod of Chalcedon.  I'm not sure exactly what percent of the To…
  • Anytime my dear friend and brother.
  • Hello Tigran, Sure thing!  But, to contextualize what I said:"To speak of two natures as 'unified,' only as it regards being conjoined, but not as synthesizing into one nature [is Nestorian]" By this, I mean that the same metaphysical category which…
  • Hello Mabsoota, Christ did not take on the tendency to sin, which is why His temptation was purely from without, and in no way from within.  St Mary did have this "tendency to sin" and was purified in the Annunciation, though she never committed any…
  • Thank you for the book recommendation.  The Assyrian Church of the East is actually closer to Orthodoxy than the Chalcedonites, interestingly, in that they allow for the profession of one theandric operation and one theandric will - whereas the Chal…
  • Hello Tigran, Actually, only some Chalcedonites made this mistake (namely John the Grammarian and Anastasius of Antioch/Sinai) of identifying Christ as all individuals.  This was what St Severus the Great warned John the Grammarian of - that if he t…
  • My friend, It's clear that while two wills come together into one, they compose one will.  This is the very thing that the Chalcedonians rejected, that one will is composed of two.  They maintained that you must profess an enduring duality of wills …
  • Hello Tigran, For one, after the fall the blameless passions affect one in physically damaging ways (sleep depravation, starvation, etc.) and ultimately these can lead even to physical death.  We don't believe that Christ's death was on account of h…
  • Hello Tigran, The way the blameless passions affect man is different before the fall and after the fall, and so it is experiencing the blameless passions qua after the fall which is called "corrupted." Manzikert is working from the incorruptibility …
  • Hello Tigran, There may be a slight miscommunication, as I should qualify what I have said by saying: The prospect for reunion is a good one, and we ought not to be opposed to it, but as the essence of what heterodox sects are, they are as St Grigor…
  • Hello Tigran, Saying that Christ took from our sinful and corrupted body and soul from St Mary is not the same as saying that Christ's soul is corrupted by original sin.  Tatevatsi is saying that that which Christ took from (St Mary) had original si…
  • Hello, Some information from the Armenian Orthodox Saint Gregory of Tatev, who is the most relevant Armenian Orthodox saint on this matter due to the history that the Armenian church had to endure up to his point: "Now, the heathen and the schismati…
  • Hello Tigran, St Severus never affirmed that the blameworthy passions were experienced by Christ, only blameless passions of hunger and sleep etc., it is these blameless passions which Christ did not have anymore after the Ressurection.  Julian clai…
  • Hello Mabsoota, The original poster is referring to the debate between St Severus and Julian of Halicarnassus.  You'll recall from your personal studies of the Chalcedonian schism of this debate from St Severus' "anti Julianist" writings and apologe…
  • Hello, The debate over corruptibility and incorruptibility of Christ was probably the most contentious Christological debate in the sixth century Church of Christ. There was a heretic named Julian of Halicarnassus who taught that Christ's nature was…