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  • Hello, Yes, Orthodox (Miaphysites) accept the Essence-Energy Distinction, however we reject the Palamite innovations that the Chalcedonite schismatics later accepted. As such, we necessarily reject Absolute Divine Simplicity, which posits that every…
    in EED Comment by Dioscoros July 2022
  • The one nature of our Lord, the Word incarnate, Jesus Christ the Son of David, the Son of Mary, is both created and uncreated, because after the union of hypostases, the composite hypostasis of Christ retains natural propriety.  Divine properties re…
    in Created? Comment by Dioscoros July 2022
  • Though this is a very old thread, for those it would benefit, a preliminary remark must be made: The idea that the Orthodox Church has not responded to the interpretation of the Chalcedonian churches of the Council of Chalcedon is incorrect.  St Sev…
  • Hello my friend, blessed forty days to you and a joyful feast. Non-Orthodox will try to point to the Fathers pre-schism to justify dyophysitism, but this is all sophistry which is meant to detract from the dogma defined at the Council of Ephesus in …
  • Hello James, it was a delight hearing about your experience and walk with God, so I have to start by thanking you for your heartwarming story. I'm not sure about Copts crossing themselves very fast. In my experience Coptic Christians cross themselve…
  • @ophadece hello my friend. I'm not sure exactly what the question is yet, but preemptively I will say this: St Augustine was a pre schism individual, and as such he was part of the Church and not a schismatic body. However, he believed many false …
  • The Ethiopian veneration of the heretic John of Damascus is a novelty, and it is illegitimate. It's simply an abuse which is likely due to scholastic Latinization. The Synaxarion entry for the pseudo-saint shows a certain unfamiliarity with his pers…
  • @mabsoota thank you, I appreciate it. As for what you're saying about the Chalcedonian schism involving politics, there is some truth to this, but to avoid scandalizing people, we should specify that:1. The political affairs were not the reason for …
  • @mabsoota I really like how you took the time to explain our view of salvation, and how salvation is not a "switch" like some of the Protestant traditions try to explicate it. In essence, we believe that the sense of being "saved" or "not saved" ult…
  • I'm not sure where what you read, but Oriental Orthodoxy teaches that it is the One True Church. Now, this doesn't mean that none of the people found in other churches are not saved, but it does mean that it is obligatory upon oneself to join the Tr…
  • Hello, I know this is super old, but just in case future readers want clarity on the subject material covered: 1. St Cyprian and other Fathers of the Church are clear that there is no salvation outside of the Church. This does not mean that it is a…
  • The idea that the historic debates over metaphysics are either a waste of time, or at least made too much of a deal, is theologically inaccurate. There is a way to say that we need precise metaphysical language while saying that multiple expressions…
  • Hello, Partaking of communion with the Roman Catholics or the Byzantine Chalcedonians is not a smart move. These groups are in schism with the Church and embrace various false beliefs. Stick with only the Orthodox churches (Coptic, Syriac, Tewahedo,…