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  • Sorry I just didn't want to start a new topic because the issues are the same... Yes it has been a long time and we didn't marry yet but we are planning so soon...
  • Hello! My topic was here a very long time ago.I just wanted to say that I returned from Egypt a very short time ago... Things haven't really changed a lot as far as issue of my acceptance of the church... I still struggle with long services and idea…
  • Of course my fiance wouldnt leave his church... He would never change his church... He has sacrificed a lot for me but as far as religion there is no compromise...Sometimes it is hard cause apart from churches we have different cultures.... these to…
  • Every time discussions between me and him about religion come back  :'( it is so hard... fighting or getting upset easily... we should be one in Christ...  :-[
  • He thinks it would be better for me to work but also he doesnt have anything against if I didnt work...He said it depends on situation ( for example when we'd have small kid it is much better for me to stay at home).So I think he is very open minded…
  • Thank you for the reply. As far as cons: - My fiance is open to travelling but he wants to live in Egypt finally.He is very patriotic and always keeps repeating that if all Christians left Egypt it would become islamic country. - that is true.I dont…
  • As far as I know there is no divorce in coptic orthodox church
  • Yes, that is true.Living in Egypt is totally different than living in Europe.The thing that I face frustration is lack of organization and disrespect of time.Most of the things are chatoci, take ages and everything happens spontaneously, which is ki…
  • I was in Egypt many times.I returned from Egypt one week ago and I was staying ther for 7 months.My aim was to learn about the country, its culture and to see how life there looks like.To be honest I have mixed feelings.However I think it is normal,…
  • Thank u so much.I have already printed the book of liturgy in English. To be honest I never used it during the mass.Few times I participated in Coptic Mass in English.It was much shorter than the Arabic one.Of course, understanding the words made it…
  • Thank you very much for you replies.I want to mention that before taking this decision I was going to orthodox priest and discussed a lot of issues.I asked questions and found differennces between the catholic and the orthodox.To be honest there are…