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  • Okay, thanks guys. But what may have possibly triggered this behaviour?
  • Drumaboy, Thank you for being soooo understanding. It really isn't easy to tell people (such as abouna) about this, since people are not very open-minded. Just becuase, this situation is out of the ordinary, people will associate with being weird, u…
  • Dear Drumaboy, I'm really glad you seem to understand what I'm dealing with! :) ...You've described my state quite accurately, Thanks! Your approach to my situation is quite out of the ordinary, I definetly was not expecting that... but to be hones…
  • Why, I appreciate your advice, however, please try to understand that this was not somebody that I was close with at all... he was a stranger, how am I supposed to know what happened to someone I barely know?!? And it's more than just "patterns" of…
  • Κηφᾶς, Thank you for your advice. The suggestion about "maybe having the two of you sit down with abouna to discuss the matter." seems to be a good route to take. And I agree, that getting spiritual advice at this point is vital. Because at this …
  • Dear Κηφᾶς Thank you for responding to my post, I need all the advice I can get. However, you seem to have misunderstood something "you are able to, after something has happened to this person, feel that they are in distress in some way and are abl…
  • No, you're not being rude at all. Thanks, for being so considerate... I just don't like it when people say things like "that's impossible". Well, for example, he'll have a dream and i can see exactly what he's dreaming about... or for example, when …