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  • [move][glow=red,2,300]I LOVE U ALL!!!!!!! Thanx so much for your advice! [/move] I'll try to forget sa2da2nyyy! yala take care ! i feel like i know u baladoos! who knows ???? ONLY GOD!
  • Hey sweety, Its always great hearing advice from others especially people that are more experienced with this kind of subject. I am still having thoughts and it’s not easy to forget! Its soooooo hard. But every time I feel that way I think of how I’…
  • Baladoos Ana Mesh 3arfa 2a2ool eh?  i really appreciate ure understanding! I love it when someone understands me and Baladoos u do! Lol. All the things you said are so true and correct! What bothers me is that it is was my first love and the most im…
  • thank u soooo much! ;D pray 4 me always! ure advice and help are def appreciated! thanx again! its just sooo hard 4 me! i 'm soo weak  when it comes LOVE! love is a great thing but when it hurts u, it burns like fire! rabena ma3ak 3altool ! God Bles…