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  • my friend lived in the united states for the past 10 years. had a great job and was making lots of money. his whole family is in the usa. once he got to America he got married to stay and it did not work!!! after 10 years of extremely successful liv…
  • I personally do not see anything wrong with Karate. I practice it for many years. I learned how to tame my anger . I also learned how violence can hurt others for life. I was thought that the best way to win a fight is to run away to save a damage…
  • thank you AnbaBola for your beautiful words.
  • hi! I had that problem as well some time at the beginning of my spiritual life. I cried to God for couple hours begging Him to take this feeling away. I was honest with Him and told him exactly what my thought were even the worst ones. I exposed m…
  • hello! this question originated form the idea of dancing. I have never thought of dancing or going to clubs as a sin. yet I have evaluated the environment this entertainment provides people with and decided not to do them again. However I am still …