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  • Hi guys, I just wanted to share this with you. I studied the differences between the orthodox and catholic doctrines as I considered converting, long story. About the Virgin St. Mary: "The M…
  • Hey, I'll admit it I doubted before, I felt like: if everything works out then it's the will of God, if it doesn't then God didn't want that to happen. So at the end it felt like God was just an explaination for events we couldn't explain. But the…
    in atheism Comment by BlueNeck April 2005
  • Hi, Ideas that might help: 1. try bringing food before the meeting, have a social half hour to create intrest between the members 2. have a suggestion box 3. Try a series like "encountering God" or disscuss a book over few weeks 4. have different s…
  • I actually look at it differently. Each of us was chosen to be a certain family, country, year, health... All those factors that we couldn't control, God chose them for us. So yes, I was predestined to be orthodox and born of my family anything that…
  • Hey, I was in the same boat few months ago. My finance and I read The Sacrement of Marriage by Bishop Mathious. The first couple of chapters are about engagement and the ceremony and the rest is about the wedding ceremony... I liked it alot, it gav…