someone on coptc saying it can take up to 3 years to be baptised

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church
i want to know if this is true


  • It could take ten years. It depends on the situation. Mostly on the priest and the person who's gonna get baptized. Some priests baptize right after they know that the person knows the faith of the church and agrees with it. Other priests even after that, like to wait a while to see because they want to make sure the person is really into the church, and doesn't want to leave it.
  • [coptic]+ Iryny nem `hmot>[/coptic]

    The length of time is variable, and as mentioned, depends on the priest.  Conversion is not something a person rushes into and requires a great deal of 1) understanding of the faith and 2) self-reflection and knowing one's self.  I would welcome the time so that I could sit and truly come to the knowledge of Christ.
  • Yes i agree with Κηφᾶς and Pope Kyrillos that it can take many years to convert or be baptized depending on each persons situation. whether you feel ready or not is not the issue but its whether the priest feels you are ready and not converting for other reasons such as just to get married or others but that you really want salvation and want to know Christ our saviour
  • Dear Bigeee,

    Yes, but every case is different, and part of one's conversion is having faith - including the faith that the priest, who has much experience here, is the best judge of when the right time is. It could be six months, sixteen months or three years. There is no 'set' time - only God's good time.

    Enjoy to the full this period as a catechumen - it is the antechamber to the feast.

    In Christ,

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