Am I being Prideful???

edited December 1969 in Personal Issues
Ok my family members birthday is Friday and tehir having a party thing is ...... today i got into a "lil baby argument" because they said "i dont care if u come or not" i doesnt sound that big, but keep in mind he was frustrated and i had hit him (not physically but verbally) lol like i didn't offend him i just struck a chord...

So Now
My Mind is Made up as to NO Bloody Way Im Going...and that doesnt bother me......the thing is:

My concious is making me feel like i'm being too prideful and cocky, not humble?

Any Advice??


  • people say things they dont mean sometimes.
    dont make a small thing bigger.
  • My concious is making me feel like i'm being too prideful and cocky, not humble?

    There a slight possibility, your conscience could be right?

    It was a kind of bold joke, just a joke!
    The "provocation" was probably to help you remember well this event, and to wish to attend.
    Or, maybe it's practically rather difficult for you to attend it?

  • haha, just go ! Be the bigger person, and yea, i think you're decesion is only based on pride, so you probably should go, you might regret not going later on....
  • Itss not that i will regret not going because
    like i know what it is and wats gonna go down

    and the only reason my concious was working was cuz llike i started feeling sorry for him cuz i got him madd and annoyed on his big day (it was his actual birthday sun but the party for him and his sister is on friday *her bday) and like i said before it wasnt so much of an argument but a situation where i was forced to put him back into his place
  • yes u were proud go to the party and please for God sake be the first to apologies and make up its his special day doint ruin it any more than waht u already have and yea eat up ur ego  and pride

    hope that helps
  • No way you are being cocky or 'boastfull' lol

    You should do what you want and just trust your heart.
    It's your life after all and you should decide and you should allow no one to tell
    you what to do or what to think or what to wear or what to experience.

    It's you and God who decide your fate.

    The bottom line is:  You aren't being cocky.
    but sometimes............. we might feel guilty and i believe it's good to feel guilty sometimes and apologize for whatever we might not have done.  Even if it isn't our mistake or we didn't do anything wrong, if we want to be 'friend' with someone or we want something from them, then we should make make them feel 'good' ... at least for the time being.... and just give them what they want... whether if it's: "I'm sorry", "I apologize", "I didn't mean it", "I didn't mean it to be this way", etc.... LOL

    GBU All.
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