Could this tarneema be listened in the Holy Week?

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
I like this tarneema very much, its quite sad, but despite that I don't know it's appropriate for Holy week or not, cause
I don't hear any specific word related to the crucifixion of the Lord?


  • of course not... how can you listen to a song saying God my love... are you crazy... in HOLY WEEK?!!! please dont say you listened to this in lent kaman!!!... my beloved... in holy week, you listen to "Lord Jesus I'm sorry for your blood, I'm the one that caused it with sin's flood"

    we have to listen to songs that will make us depressed, that will make us feel so low, that will make us feel like dirt... that has no source of hope!!! not a song about God being our love... c'mon...

    I want you to look at everything we do in the pascha... EVERYTHING shows us hope, shows us happiness... the church does not want you to be depressed, why... we want to be depressed, and cry... and be antisocial in pascha... but even Jesus Himself spoke to people on His way while carrying the cross, and while he was on the cross. my beloved let's be more like Christ.

    Listen to what your heart desires... as long as it brings you closer to God!!!

    neshkor Allah... akhadna el baraka
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