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  • How about a little intro?

    I merely scanned it, but I think it has to do with nature vs nurture.
  • Well basically the article is about how the statement that infants are not born with their sexual identity is wrong. It has the story of this person. So when this person was an infant he had his penis accidentally cut off. So the doctor told them to grow up as he was a girl. So they basically converted to him to a girl. They dressed him with all those girly things, dresses, and what not. But he didn't like all of those things...then when he was 12 they gave him estrogen and he grew breasts. But he could grow hair, and he was destroyed by kids at school. He also said that when he did NOT know he was a man he said he was not attracted to boys. So than he finally got sick of it and his parents told him he was actually a man and he said he felt relieved. So basically people who support homosexuality are saying this person didn't even know he was a man and yet he completely hated being a man because his brain knew he was a man.
  • you know what really sucks is researchers say they supposedly found "evidence" that homosexuality may be genetic (PALEAAASE!) and that sexual identity is on a continuum (so like homosexual, things in between like bisexual etc, heterosexual). As Christians we need to try and not take things like that lightly, question things...both from a logical perspective and from our spiritual perspective

    So logically, if that above is true, then how come people (in the world, not us hopefully) are able to "experiment" with their sexual identity and pick and choose? It's a decision that people make, nurture (environment) NOT nature (genes). Just like no one is born falling in love either! It's something that just happens...not sure if that's a good analogy/example
  • one case! what about all the other cases that are nurtured...

    there are a lot of studies that were made for this topic... we need to find more researches and perform more researches... I would love to see the chemical balances...

    also what if that guy was nurtured to be gay... so he was a lesbian, then he found out he as a guy... so that is something I would like to see and study... he was given all the "girlie" things but yet what was his parents attitude with him...

    this case needs to be more researched, I already found a flaw... so no evidence here... it needs to be better researched!

    akhadna el baraka... neshkor Allah!
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