edited December 1969 in Random Issues
hi guys,
can anyone PLEASE help me with chemistry? if anyone can, please let me know like now so that i can post my questions. thanks so much. God bless.
sorry, i have a test tomorrow


  • Hello Just be me

    I am getting my bachelors in Chemical Engineering.
    So I can try to help you as much as possible.

    What is your question.
  • oh THANK YOU ebnyasoo
    ok so i have a "honors" question according to my teacher:

    the density of mercury is 13.6 g/ml
    calculate the volume of 3.56 grams of mercury.
    calculate the mass of mercury occupying a volume of 50.0 cm cubed.
  • Always be careful with the units and significant figures in these type of calculations!!..

    For part 1) Use the formula --V=M/D (The answer should be in the form 'ml" for volume (divide by density ;the g cancel each other out and you r left with 'ml')

    For part 2) Use the equation M= V x D

    In this case you already know the density of mercury =13.6 g /ml and Volume  is given=50.0 cm

    Do the calculation and use g (grams) as unit for mass..

    But wait until ebenyasoo confirms it for you..I am just guessing..
  • no man ur good thats the right answer
    pharmacy student
  • Hezekiel it seems that you are good at this stuff.

    One thing to add is that in the second one the problem gave you the volume in cm cubic and we have the density in g/ml
    But since 1 ml = 1 cm cubic, then you don't have to worry about converting.

    Thank you Hezekiel for doing all the work.
    In Christ
  • oh thanks guys... no really thanks for taking the time-my teacher has a "no questions" policy, even if you stay after school hehe

    anyways, i just checked my test grade and i got an A!! i just want to say that that's a miracle (long story)...but all credit goes to Saint Ebaskharayon (i hope that's how you spell it)-any student who reads this needs to ask for this Saint's help in any classes-he's always there for me.

    God bless
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