Praise, Thanksgiving and Glorification

I just wanted to share with you all that our church in Egypt has gone through a very difficult time, there was a huge problem that affected all the lay people, servants, deacons and priests.
This problem seemed almost impossible to solve and lasted for months, yet in prayer and supplication all joined together to ask our Father, our God, our Master ,our Beloved, our Lord Jesus Christ to take care of it...
With the intercessions of many saints, among whom of course our dear mother, the Holy Virgin St. Mary and the Archangel Michael, our God, who trampled death by death, saved all those involved in the problem with His mighty hand!!!

Glory be to our living God, Lover of mankind, Who hears our prayers and is very near to us in times of trouble.
Thanks and Praise be to our Mighty Lord, for whom nothing is impossible or too hard.
Glory be to our Lord who promised us that the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church.

Special thanks for the Holy Virgin, the Archangel Michael and St. Philopateer Marcurios for their intercessions on our behalf and their interference in the problem.


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