
edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion

Any one wanna explain what each word is and what they mean when we combine them?




  • Adam and Watos when the come to the Psali's refer to the days and which are said. So Psali adam is said with its tune from sunday-wed, and Psali watos from thur-sat. Psali is a greek word meaning praise I believe.

    The word [coptic]Acpacmoc[/coptic] is a Greek word that means kiss or greeting. The aspasmos adam in the original rites was chanted after the deacon would reply and say "Greet one another with a Holy kiss" they would chant it and the deacon would continue to reply with the rest of the response, whether Aspazeste the great or the regular one. Nowadays the aspasmos adam is said before the entire response of greet one another. Aspasmos watos is said in the middle of the anaphora before [coptic]Agioc Agioc Agioc[/coptic]. The words Adam and Watos refer to the tune said, not tune said in the week contrary to general watos and adam hymns(such as the Psali). These tunes remain constant throughout the year but their words change from season to season. The adam tune is the same as Ifrahi ya mariam and the watos tune is ayohal rub. The significance of these hymns are to ask for Gods mercy as are most hymns. And like i said the words change from season to season.
  • adam days are Sunday through Tuesday while watos Wednesday through Saturday
  • Thanks for the help guys :D
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