When did Judas betray Jesus??

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues

When did Judas Betray Jesus? Was it on the Wednesday of Holy week?


  • Depends what betrayal you are talking about?

    Was it when he was abusing his position as money-keeper for the disciples? Was it when he made the repentant souls feel further embarrased? Was it when he never listened to his Jesus's warnings that he should repent? Was it when he schemed against him? Was it when he allowed Satan full control over him? Was it when he boldly took the bread from Christ? Was it when he led the Roman soldiers to Christ? Was it when he kissed his Lord to stab Him in the back? Was it when he, after knowing how deep Christ's love for him went, how He prayed for him, how He could feed him, how He can convert and purify the souls who come to him, deliberately despaired, and took his life away?

    Which betrayal? My Lord and My God, how much He suffers for each one of us, as a Father of a single child!
  • Wasn't it when he led the Roman soldiers to Christ and when he kissed the Lord the same time?

    And that's what I meant? when did Judas betray Jesus with the kiss?
  • He made the deal with the High Priest on Wed and carried out the act on Thur night
  • wen he kissed him it was thursday night,

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