اليوم 3/ 6 عيد استشه&#

[center][glow=red,2,300]+ باسم الآب والابن والروح القدس الإله الواحد . آمين  + [/glow] [/center]

في مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس توما الرسول، الذي يُقال له التوأم. وُلِدَ هذا القديس في أقليم الجليل، واختاره مُخلِّصنا من جملة الاثني عشر رسولاً. وهو الذي قال للتلاميذ، عندما أراد المُخلِّص أن يمضي ليُقيم لعــازر: " لنذهب نحن أيضاً لكي نموت معه " وهــو الذي سأل ربّنـا وقـت العشاء قائلاً: " يا سيِّدنا لسنا نعلم أين تذهب، فكيف نقدر أن نعرف الطريق؟ " قال له يسوع: " أنا هو الطريق والحق والحياة " ولمَّا ظهر السيد المسيح للرسل القدِّيسين بعد القيامة، وقال لهم: " اقبلوا الروح القدس" كان هذا الرسول غائباً، فعند حضوره قالوا له: " قد رأينا الرب " . فقال لهم: " إن لم أُبصر في يديه أثر المسامير وأضع إصبعي في أثر المسامير وأضع يدي في جنبه لا أومن ". فظهر لهم يسوع بعد ثمانية أيام وتوما معهم وقال له: " يا توما، هات إصبعك إلى هنا وأبصر يديَّ، وهات يدك وضعها في جنبي، ولا تكن غير مؤمن بل مؤمناً ". أجاب توما وقال له: " ربي وإلهي " قال له يسوع: " لأنَّك رأيتني يا توما آمنت. طُوبَى للذين آمنوا ولم يروا ".

   وبعد حلول الروح القدس على التلاميذ في عُليَّة صهيون، وتفرِّقهم في جهات المسكونة ليكرزوا ببشارة الإنجيل، انطلق هذا الرسول إلى بلاد الهند، وهناك اشتغل كعبد عند أحد أصدقاء الملك ويُدعَى لوقيوس الذي أخذه إلى الملك فاستعلم منه عن صناعته فقال: أنا بنَّاء ونجَّار وطبيب. وبعد أيام وهو في القصر صار يُبشِّر مَن فيه حتى آمنت امرأة لوقيوس وجماعة من أهل بيته.

   وكان الملك قاصداً التوجُّه نحو أطراف المملكة فسلَّمه مبلغاً من المال ليشيِّد له قصراً، فأخذ القديس المال ووزعه على الفقراء، ولما رجع الملك سأله عن الصناعات التي قام بها، فأجابه: " إنَّ القصور التي بنيتها هيَ النفوس التي صارت محلاً لملك المجد. والنجارة التي قمت بها هي الأناجيل التي تقطع أشواك الخطيَّة. والطب والأدوية هي أسرار الله المُقدَّسة، تشفي من سموم عدو الخير. فغضب الملك من ذلك وعذَّبه كثيراً وربطه بين أربعة أوتاد وسلخ جلده. ودلَّكها بملح وجير، والرســول صابر.

ورأت ذلك امرأة لوقيوس، فسقطت من كوى بيتها، وأسلَمت روحها. وأما توما فقد شـفاه الرب من جراحاته. فأتاه لوقيـوس وهو حزين على زوجتـه، وقال له: " إن أقمت زوجتي، آمنت بإلهك ". فدخل إليها توما الرسول وقال: " يا أرسابونا قومي بِاسم السيد المسيح ". فنهضت لوقتها وسجدت للقديس. فلما رأى زوجها ذلك آمن ومعه كثيرون من أهل المدينة بالسيد المسيح، فعمَّدهم الرسول.

   وجرف أيضاً البحر شجرة كبيرة، لم يستطع أحد رفعها، فاستأذن القديس

توما الملك في رفعها، والسماح له ببناء كنيسة من خشبها. فسمح له، فرسم عليها الرسول علامة الصليب ورفعها وبعد أن بنى الكنيسة، رسم لها أسقفاً وكهنة، وثبَّتهم ثم تركهم ومضى إلى مدينة تُسمى قنطورة فوجد بها شيخاً يبكي بحرارة لأن الملك قتل أولاده السِّتة. فصلَّى عليهم القديس فأقامهم الرب بصلاته فصعب هذا على كهنة الأصنام، وأرادوا رجمه، فرفع أول واحد الحجر ليرجمه، فيبست يده فرسم القديس عليها علامة الصليب فعادت صحيحة فآمنوا جميعهم بالرب يسوع. ثم مضى إلى مدينة بركيناس وغيرها، ونادى فيها بِاسم السيد المسيح. فسمع به الملك فأودعه السجن. ولما وجده يُعلِّم المحبوسين طريق الله، أخرجه وعذبه بمختلف أنواع العذاب وأخيراً قطع رأسه فنال إكليل الشهادة ودُفِنَ في مليبار ثم نقل جسده إلى الرها.

صلاته تكون معنا. ولربنا المجد دائماً. آمين

People with English language don't worry , by the well of God an English topics about Blessed man Mr Ebrahim El Gohare and Apostle Toma ( Thomas ) , Pray for me .


  • Translation of the last post:

    In a day like this St. Thomas the Apostle was martyred. This saint was born in Galilea, and our Lord and Saviour chose him amongst the twelve apostle. He's the one who told the disciples when the Lord wanted to go to revive Lazarus: 'Let's go too to die with Him.' and he's the one who asked our Lord during the Last Supper: Lord, we don't know where you'll go so how can we now the way?' Jesus told him: I am the way, the truth and the life.' and when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to the Apostles after His resurrection and told them: 'Accept the Holy Spirit.' this Apostle was not present and when he came they told him: 'We saw the Lord', so he told them : 'If I don't see the trace of the nails in His hands and put my fingers in the trace of the nails and put my hand in his side, I don't believe.' So the Lord appeared to them after eight days and Thomas was with them and said to him: 'Thomas, put your finger here and look at my hand, and put your hand in my side, and don't be an unbeliever but a believer.' Thomas answered and said:' My Lord and God' Jesus told him: 'Because you saw me, Thomas, you believed, blessed are those who believed without seeing.'

    And after the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in Israel, and them being spread all around the world to evangelize, this apostle went to India, and there he worked as a slave for one of the king's friends and his name was Lucius. He took him to the king who asked him about his skills and he replied: 'I am a builder, a carpenter and a doctor' and after having spent days in the palace evangelizing Lucius' wife believed and a group from his household. And the king wanted to go to the ends of his kingdom so he gave him an amount of money to build him a palace, so the saint took the money and gave it to the poor, and when the king returned he asked him about the work he had accomplished so he answered him: 'The palaces I've built are the souls which became a place for the glory of the Lord, and the carpenting I've done is the gospels which cut the thorns of sin, and the medicine are the Holy Sacraments of God, which heal from the poison of the evil' so the king got angry and tortured him a lot and tied him between four poles and cut his skin and put salt on it and the apostle was patient. And Lucius' wife saw this so she fell and died, and the Lord healed Thomas from his injuries, so Lucius came to him sad for his wife and told him: 'If you revive my wife, I will believe in your God' so Thomas went to her and spoke: 'Arsabona, arise in the name of the Christ.' so she arose instantly and kneeled before the saint, and when her husband saw this he believed in Christ and so did many with him from the citizens of the town, so the apostle baptized them. And there was a big tree in the see which no one could lift, so the apostle Thomas asked permission from the king to lift it and to build a church with its wood, and he allowed him. So the apostle made the sign of the cross on it and lifted it and after he had built a church, he assigned a bishop for it and priests and he strengthened them and then he left them and went to a city named Antoura. There he saw an old man crying badly because the king had killed his six children. So the apostle prayed on them so the Lord revived them with his prayers. And this was difficult to see for the headen priets and they wanted to stone him, so the first one raised a stone to stone him yet his hand was paralized, so the saint made the sign of the cross on it and it returned to health. So they all believed in Jesus. And then he went to the city of Burkinas and others, and he called the name of the Lord, so the king heard of him and put him in jail. And when he found him teaching the jailed the way of God, he took him out and tortured him in differend ways and finally he decapitated him and he received the crown of martyrdom and was buried in Miliaar and the his body was moved to Raha.

    May his prayers be with us and glory be to God forever and ever Amen

    (I'm very sorry about the bad quality, not really used to translating)
    Please remember my weakness in your prayers
    God Bless
  • thanks Godislove260 so much for ur translation , may God use these work to Glorify His Blessed name .
    God never forget His Children ,
    don't forget to mention me in ur prayers  .
  • I didn't do anything...

    Rabbena me3aak and thank you for posting this beautiful story of faith.

    God Bless
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