Any guide to playing the triangle instead of the cymbals?

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
by the way I found playing the cymbals hard.. there was a teaching guide for it .. the person did try to explain and he was good .. yet it was hard for me.. and I don't think I am able to practice for it.. my brain can't stay focused or my body won't move on time with my brain.. it seems similar to trying to say toy boat quickly many times without saying it wrong.. except that I also do not fully know what I am doing.

The triangles might be easier.


  • The triangles are in fact much easier to learn than the symbols. Just keep it at, it most definetly won't happen over night that you become an expert it takes practice. ask the person who was teaching you to go through it again and maybe more slowly this time so that you can pick up the pattern.
  • Most likely the cymbals are at the same tempo and style as the triangles so you can always copy the same for each and what not, practice makes perfect so don't quit after like the first day or two!!

    Coptic Servent
  • Actually to a certain extent the pattern for the cymbols and the triangle are the same tempo wise(to be played at the same speed as each other) but each has its own beat and pattern. they can be played with the same pattern together but generally thats not the case.
  • If you learn to play the cymbals first then you will master the toriento in 30 seconds. Keep trying and don't give up. When I got my first cymbals when I was 11, I could play them very well as I used to look at the person at church who was playing it and when I got one I remembered how he played it. It took me two years of practice to get up to very very very preise church standard. It was hard but never never give up.
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