Blunt Takes Action to Protect Children from Online Threats

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
Blunt Takes Action to Protect Children from Online Threats
Jan 12, 2007 News Release

Thursday, Gov. Matt Blunt announced he will recommend a half million dollar increase to support the multi-jurisdictional Internet Cyber Crimes Task Forces to protect children from cyber predators, child pornography and child exploitation.

"We owe it to our children to do everything within our power to protect them from sexual predators who use the Internet to exploit innocent children," Blunt said. "My proposed funding increase will provide law enforcement officials with additional tools to keep our children safe. This funding was made possible because we enacted Missouri's Jessica's Law, which is one of the toughest in the country."

The governor's recommendation will allow multi-jurisdictional Internet Cyber Crimes Task Forces to provide local law enforcement agencies with the resources they need to track cyber sexual predators.

The governor's plan provides $250,000 to double the grant funding for detectives' salaries, training and computer forensic personnel who focus on preventing and controlling Internet cyber crime, ultimately improving public safety. The remaining $250,000 would be used to provide grant funding for computer equipment to help the task forces track down Internet predators before they strike.

Blunt called for and signed tough sex offender legislation in Missouri. His leadership led Missouri to be one of the first states to utilize global positioning satellite (GPS) technology to track certain sex offenders. The state now has one of the strongest versions of Jessica's Law in the nation, which mandates a lifetime sentence with a minimum of 30 years for serious sexual crimes that are committed against young children and calls for lifetime monitoring for this group of sexual offenders. The state also expanded the sexual offender registry and added new tools to make it a more powerful resource for parents and law enforcement officials.

The funding was established last year as part of Missouri's Jessica's Law and the current budget includes a quarter of a million dollars for grants to multi-jurisdictional Internet Cyber Crimes Task Forces.
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