[u]Angels and Demons[/u] Tests Faith

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
Some schools allow the book Angels and Demons to be read. This book is written by the same author of The DaVinci Code, Dan Brown. Why do high schools poison the Christians' minds with this book?


  • I guess because they want you to have 2 different opinions and views as they say "you can't judge a book by it's a cover" hey, I have to read books and read information about books that we have to study about that might effect me, but it's for school, at least you can use it in your up coming years to come God willing!

    Coptic Servent
  • I read both Angels and Demons and the DaVinci Code (please don't ask me why... thats a long story)... I found both disgistingly atrocious... It is horrible how Brown tries to portray Christians in both books... It is sad... If anyone has any questions feel free to ask me...
  • It tests your faith of Christianity, correct? It makes you question what is real and fake, correct?
  • It didn't test my faith because it was simply toooo far fetched. No parent leaves their child with a fever to the point that they are paraylized. It simply angered me that someone could say this about us, the Christians. It offended me. What kind of Secretary to the pope KILLS the pope?? Its too far fetched for me or any Christian to believe, but it really did offend me...
  • My brother told me that it really did test his faith but he still believed in God.
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