


  • Good luck egprincess. I know that your parents will listen to you.

  • LOOOOOOl :D :D
    u cracked me up sleepy
    like parents will ever listen
    dream on
  • It has to be a give and take situation for parents to listen. Give them what they want, and they'll give you what you want.

  • Not all parents are the same it TOTALLY depend on the parents
    yes there is always that one easy parent and one hard parent (i think they tossed a coin and decided one will be easy and one will be hard :D) but it totally goes back to their mentality and the way and where they lived in Egypt (that is 99% of the time of course there is always exceptions)
  • I wouldn't know about that. I was born in america, so my parents are a bit leaner than regular egyptian parents. ;D

  • we all envy you sleepy >:(
    jk jk :D :D
  • Thank you. I feel special now. awwww. lol.
    jk ;D

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