
edited December 1969 in Random Issues
Ok, i think i might understand this, but I want your guys's opinions. If you are in school and you are failing do y ou think God will care? Like, I'm not talking for myself or anything or anybody in this case, but its just a question. Do you think that God will minD? I think its yes, but is there an actual verse about it?

GOD BLESS[/glow][/move]

if you cannot read it highlight it!


  • If God sees that you are not trying your hardest and purposely failing he will be very disappointed God wants all of us to be smart and intellengent in everything good we do, but if God sees that you are doing wonderful and is very diligent than he will care he loves all of us equally and he want us to succeed in life! Hope I helped! Sorry I don't have any verses, but if you want an easier source you can go to-

    Coptic Servent
  • i agree with you, Coptic Servent and Marmar... we are supposed to set an example for people, and failing is not a good examle to set... besides, the time you spend in school and on schoolwork is time God credits to you as full, as not idle...
  • ok...i understand what u mean...

    well remember the story of the king who gave a guy 1 bags of money and the other 2 bags and the other 5...and the guy with the 5 bags came bak to the king and said..see i had 5 bags n i went out and got another 5 and the king said well done you can come into my kingdom...and the other guy with the 2 bags came to the king and said look now i have 4 bags...

    n the king said well done....and the person who got 1 bag...went and said if i bury it and bring it to the king without anything taken he wil be very pleased...

    but when he gave it to the king, th king was very angry and said...i gave you the money and you didnt do anything with it...n didnt let him enter his kingdom...

    ok..the point....if u r trying your hardest..n u r failing..then that is ok..becseu you were not given that many tallents but out of what you make something of it (even if it means not passing)..but if u were given lots of talents and go bury them..and not study or try hard in your studies...n when God tells you wat have you made of the 5 bags (talents) i gave you and you say well i still have them but i didnt do anything with them....he will be angry...

    so there you have it!!
  • well said

    yes so many priests have told me that we must b sucessful, we must study hard and do extremely well, and god will be upset with us, like 'why' said...if u bury your talents

    for all you could b the next doctor that creates a cure for cancer ;) now wouldnt that b sumfing hehehehehehe ;D
  • thanks mazza...yes..God created everyone for a reason..n if the toy u bought didnt do what u bought it to do..wouldnt u be annoyed??
  • Well some people might think the person who prays the agpeya all day is not lazy but then why do they fail at school? because its hard or maybe they are lazy in school work? or some other reason maybe? If you have ADD (if its a real condition which I think it might be) you may not be able concentrate on something you are not interested in...
    it can sometimes take alot of effort or disciple ? to pray from the agpeya maybe..

    The doctor who wants to find ? a cure for cancer maybe needs to spend alot of time in research but then how will he/she have much time for God? maybe christian doctors who want to find a cure for some disease should only spend little time in research maybe and God may help them find the cure ?..

  • mikeforjesus, how do you know that christian doctors dont spend much time with god???????

    we have 7 priests in australia who before the they became priests were actually doctors.

    so what do you say about that???- they didnt spend time with god?????? :-X
  • Coptic Chica 21,

    but is there an actual verse about it?

    “ Whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” James 4 : 17
  • Thank you guys. This really does help a lot. And the site worked really well for me. I want to keep getting more answers, so I'm going to keep this topic open for a little bit. Thanks a lot for answering though. It really helps to hear someone else's opinion. Thank you, Coptic Servent, for the website. I did find a verse. I really liked what all you guys wrote. Thank you.

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