According to the Holy Book of Romans 8:34, is Christ an intercessor or a judge?

I am Eritrean American and my home church is St. Mark Coptic Church. I am also studying Theology at St. Athanasius Seminary in Orlando Florida. Growing up in Eritrea I learned Romans 8:34 Christ is both. He is the Judge and He is our Lawyer. My understanding of the Coptic church is Our Lord Jesus Christ is God the almighty Who does not have just one role in our lives. He functions on our behalf and on God's behalf. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our Mediator Who made it possible for us to be reconciled with God through His death on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sin. 1 Timothy 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus". He is now sitting at the right hand of His Father interceding for us. Through His intercession, He is able to save all who come to God through Him "Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them" (Heb 7:25). However, on Judgment Day when the time comes to give an account of our stewardship, when it is past the intercession time, it is our Lord Jesus Christ Who will judge us. But having discussion with some of my fellow Eritrean and Ethiopean Deackons, some Merigetas, and few Priests telling me Christ doesn't intercede for us not He is not the Mediator. they will say who is he going to intercede too or Mediate, He is equal with the Father. I reply and explain to them Christ is the Mediator and the Judge and they reject me as Heretic, Not Orthodoxy they will say Tihadeso or protestant. All the ancient books I found in Ethiopia and Eritrea aligns with Coptic teachings, but the teaching that is thought by Ethiopia and Eritrea nowadays is denying Christs intercession and Mediation on our behalf. This is only one issue, they think im heretic by not believing in immaculate conception of St Mary. They think i'm heretic by accepting two Angeles and pre-incarnate Logos visited Abraham, or the three elderly men as Trinity iconography, many other issues. Please help how can I understand this differences.


  • hi sis / bro (sorry i don't know if it is male or female name).
    i am not sure i understand the question, but definitely our Lord Jesus Christ prays for us.
    orthodox Christians do not believe in a special conception of the virgin saint mary like the catholics do but they do agree that she was specially pure.

    the only difference i found between ethioian (and eritrean) orthodox theology and coptic orthodox theology is that my church (coptic) does not allow icons with God the Father.
    the eastern orthodox (greek, russian etc) does allow them.
    i don't think it is a very important difference.

    there are other people who use the site who know more theology then i do (i serve a little in the church) but they have been quite busy 'in real life' lately and have not been on line a lot.
    maybe they can answer you better.
    have a beautiful feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit
    your sis mabsoota (means 'happy' in arabic)
  • Hi sis Mabsoota, I am female, thank you for your answer. The question is Ethiopian and some Eritrean Orthodox interpretation of Romans 8:34, it is getting to the point dividing the church in two. Those who say Christ is both a judge and lawyer that shed his precious blood on our behalf, He is the only Mediator between God the father and us human beings. He lives to make intercession in our behalf. This understanding is considered Heresy in the other group that I feel is different teachings than what the Coptic church believes. I believe in the above teachings of the church. But the other side claim Christ is never intercede or mediate on our behalf, he already done all that on Friday when He shed his blood. After Friday Christ doesn't intercede or Mediate in our behalf He only Judge us. I have a problem with this teaching. I need more help and insight in understanding where this teaching is coming from.
  • as we say in our church, that is an 'ask abouna' question!
    maybe you could arrange to meet a priest or (full) deacon in the coptic church you go to to ask his advice.
    i think the situation is not just a theological one, it needs wisdom and divine guidance as all divisions can be healed if everyone is humble and merciful and ready to submit to God.
    may He give you and the church great wisdom
  • Hi Eden’s, may God help you in your path finding a clear answer. I am part of the Ethiopian Orthdox Church, I also attend Florida seminary so when can talk in depth in our next meeting. However, as far as I know the teaching between Ethiopian & Coptic is identical. When people explain, wording can be problematic but remember what happened on Friday is once for all. There is no more intercession, that ransom lives until judgement day.
  • ah, maybe it is a translation problem.
    there is certainly no more sacrifice, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died and resurrected once only. 
    but saint paul says in the letter to the hebrews, chapter 7, verse 25:
    therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them'.
    this is certainly not in the past tense, but the present tense.

    but i wouldn't want to get into an argument about it.
    in my experience (16 years orthodox Christian and about 30 years protestant Christian before that), divisions come from a rebellious attitude and a lack of love.
    that is why the holy men and women in church history were able to restore a lot of people to the church by their love and care.
    the small details of theology should be worked out by theologians who love God deeply and love each other, then the people will be reconciled.

    so pray and fast for those people you know who disagree and leave the details to the bishops.
    even theology students should avoid taking sides on these issues because division weakens your spiritual life. 
    once the theologians or bishops who disagree have reconcilled, sometimes there are problems from people who have been taking sides and this can slow reconcilliation.
    last time i checked (i attend Bible study regularly and sometimes am blessed to serve in church), our job as church servants is to hold on to the word of life that we are taught and pass it on accurately and faithfully.
    any signifiant debates should be held at a high level (synod) with the people fasting and praying, not cheering on their favourite preacher and criticising the one they don't like.

    any new teaching should be checked with the bishop first before popularising it.
    we are a church, not a football team or a debating society.
  • StMoseszBlack, Thank you for responding to my question and I am looking forward to our next meeting at St. Athanasius seminary. I am still having question on the statement there is no more intercession. Hebrews, chapter 7:25 " therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them." I agree with Sister mabsoota that this verse is not a past tense, but a present tense. Christ does intercedes today for those who believe in Him. It is not a thing of the past. As there is no time frame in God's presence He is not limited by time as humans because He is eternal and He lives for eternity.
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