Self righteousness

edited January 2012 in Faith Issues
I recently discovered that I inhabit a spirit of self righteousness
The parable of the Pharisee and tax collector is interesting
The Pharisee actually used to fast and do good deeds to the poor I thought they neglected the poor and the Pharisees were among them which gave from their abundance unlike the poor widow because they wanted to earn their place in heaven for it seemed that He even blessed God by thanking Him he was a blind man who thought he was right with God and though he had a little love to God it is not like the sinner woman the Pharisee was condemned because he thought he was not like other men he thought he could never be so but it is not because of his own goodness he ever stood but because of Gods mercy
So we are never to look down on sinners for we are just as bad as each of them
Salvation is not earned by good deeds or even the sacraments if they are performed without using it to be closer to God as an empty ritual but it is a free gift to all who truly seek to be reconciled with God and bear fruit
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