JOY.E stories

Our first story is up, go read, enjoy, support and sign up for emails updates


  • yes through the grace of God, we are trying to entertain youth in every shape way and form...

    this is why now we have put different branches, to reach every youth, through every form of media.

    -J.O.Y. E. Jr's (for younger youth)
    -J.O.Y. E. Melodies (for the music and songs we do)
    -J.O.Y. E. Theatre (for the plays made by the group)
    -J.O.Y. E. Skits (for the skits and videos we doing)
    -J.O.Y. E. Stories (read stories online, unknown saints, and short stories)
    -J.O.Y. E. Toons (through the grace of God, we will work on making Cartoon, just learning the programs... also if you have the gift, let us know)

    we went ahead and put up a story, there will be a story every second Saturday of every Month.

    and I do apologize we are behind in schedule in releasing the songs, and thats due to technical difficulties we had with making the dvds, but through the grace of God, we will overcome this problem, and may God bless our time, between school, work, service, etc..
    the skits, through the grace of God, we are shooting them now, and hopefully we will have them up very soon... insha' Allah
    for theatre, we will begin rehearsing by the beginning of April... Insha' Allah
    and as I mentioned for the toons, we through the grace of God are trying to learn the programs, and I hope in about a year or two, we will have that active, maybe sooner through your prayers.

    but please come register, keep updated with this growing service... and this is a service of the youth by the youth, so if God blessed you with a talent in any of these fields, please dont hesitate to contact us, we would be honored in having you in our family.

    please pray for J.O.Y. Entertainment

    neshkor Allah, akhadna el baraka
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