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  • +You can argue against the same gender getting married-if it is legalised in USA? and against abortion, if it legalised? or against the selling of pornographic videos, if it is legalised? You can argue about ANYTHING THAT IS AGAINST THE BIBLE! God b…
  • +The following is from "Practical Spirituality According to the desert fathers-by FATHER ATHANASIUS ISKANDER" on pages 41-43 6. False revelation, visions, dreams: In order to confir…
    in hi all? Comment by jojo204 October 2009
  • +i love it!!! Sodr, how come u dont like it??  :(
  • Well she chooses not to be a coptic orthodox and still wants to partake in coptic orthodox sacraments isn't right, because matrimony is obviously a sacrament, where God joins them, where His Holy Spirit will rest upon. The sacraments work in hand wi…
  • +u said that he made u feel good and he was the one you could about your day with...But what about God? Unless we understand that God is the only person we need for joy, we'll always have a hole inside us that can't be filled with anyone else. God …
  • +ask your confession father. He will guide you through the Holy Spirit to wat is acceptable by God. "For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." -James 4:14 Matthew 6:33-"But seek ye first …
  • The Spiritual Meaning of the Cross by H.H. Pope Shenouda III Let us examine the spiritual meaning of the Cross, and its importance and benediction in our lives. The Cross is every difficulty which we suffer in view of our love for God, or for our …
  • +by service, do u mean the liturgy??... if yes..the purpose of the sign of the Cross: Since Jesus, the Son of God, died on the Cross, eternal death has been destroyed and He gave us the power to overcome the devil and to be united with God. Jesus wa…
  • +Prayer is the return of the repentant to God -Saint Ignatius and click on "0411 - The Holy P…
  • i think that information about the converting thing is only part of …
  • +Also, we should try our best to please God in all ways and struggle against sin..and His Grace will strengthen us.  in HH Pope Sheno…
  • +Sodr, God is very compassionate. If you honestly talk to Him and ask Him to help you overcome, He will hear us and help us. He will hear your prayers when it is from your heart. God doesnt want the multitude of words Matthew 15:8 "This people drawe…
  • +Pope Kyrillos used to conduct the mass every day and conduct the Asheya every evening, did he have any problems with his lungs????? NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (As Abounasarecool said).. so therefore it isnt second hand smokin…
  • +that Cross on the copts right wrist goes back to when the muslims used to kidnap the copts' children and make them grow up in the muslims family to "FORCE THEM TO BE MUSLIMS". so then they used to tattoo crosses on their children so they would know…
  • +HH Pope Shenouda III wrote a book about can read a chapter of it from the following website and you can order it from the following website: here is the chapter:…
  • + Psalm 139 1O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. 2Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. 3Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. 4For there is not a wo…
  • +it might waste time...keep a time limit.
    in Facebook Comment by jojo204 October 2009
  • +sodr i wrote it in the context that some r suggesting he is the anti-christ and that he is getting a  nobel peace prize when he is clearly making wrong therefore abortion and homosexuals getting married is "something" to consider he is the anti-ch…
  • +Tell your confession father about this. He's not only your confession father, but your spiritual father as well. Dont fight these temptations alone. You need a guide and that guide is your Confession Father. Ask also your confession father to pray …
  • +looll, your funny how was it? Living the repentance life is going thru the narrow gate. HH Pope Shenouda III said that "it is better for u to weary yourself here on earth and attain crowns of struggle than to have rest here and be tired in eternity…
  • +i meant to say watch anba Bidaba too as well as Abouna Beshnouna...loll..but i couldnt find the link to the movie anba Bidaba so i just wrote his name. :) GLory be to GOD!
  • + There is a book by H.H. Pope Shenouda III about The LIFE of Repentance and Purity. His Holiness Pope Shenouda III is a huge blessing-may God protect him forever from all evil and keep him with us. Anba Bida…
  • +with the thing that QT_PA_2T said about the newspaper-the world to Christians is: Christians are going, through God's grace, to Him, while the world passes. Jesus said the world will hate you because it hated Him first (John 15:18). He also says be…
  • + 1 Corinthians 6:19 (KJV) What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
  • +the following verse shouldnt just be applied to meat, but i reckon with all things Romans 14:15 But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. if your brother is …
  • +i guess its ok if its baraka..but my abouna said girls are not allowed to eat the baraka used from the hammal... my church calls it the deacons baraka. someone plz clarify??
  • + im sure there are more on the net Rabena Maeki
  • +Brother..we all need to pray to God that He will always guide us in His way, because we have tasted Him and there is nothing better than God Almighty, our beloved. So we should always remember that "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man…
  • + ok if u definately remember the cross in your dream then..u need to tell your confession father and im sure the Holy Spirit will guide him to answer..Rabena Maek and He loves u more than u can imagine!!