Gay Marriages



  • :)

    But God has already said that homosexuals will go to Hell....if they dont repent...He's already spoken,His will is made plain.I am just simply agreeing with Him.

    Remember,God is not a man that He should change His mind{as the scripture sayeth};but we can rest assured that He will keep his word.If He says their not going to enter heaven then you can be certain their not going to enter Heaven. If it was up to me I would let everyone in...But as I have stated....Im not God. ;)
  • everyone is a sinner, right? so does that mean all are gonna go to hell? after all sinners will go to hell.
  • I know exactly what you are saying... but me as a person cant say that a person can go to hell... because you dont know what God may do. I hope I am not offending anyone.
  • after all sinners will go to hell.

    Yes, all unrepentant sinners must go to Hell.They've rejected the remedy for healing and salvation.They've despised the suffering and death of the Savior.They've treated the Blood of God as if it had no value or worth.But to all those who repent of their sins and believe in the Son of God,the Lord Jesus Christ;they are baptised into Christ and pass from death into Life."There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus..."They have cast aside their old filthy robes and put on the spotless robe of Christ's righteousness.They are clean,pure, just as Christ their Lord is clean,pure.If they stumble on the road of life all they have to do is repent and confess their sins to their heavenly Father.They are His children.He is faithful and just to forgive their sins.Though they still sin at times,they have accepted by faith the precious gift of God.Eternal life in Christ.They are sinners saved by grace.Praise be unto God!

    Those outside of Christ,who have rejected the free gift of God,are still in their sins.Their punishment is assured. They have chosen their own fate.God will give them what they seek.

  • UR RIGHT!! ahh as always..all unrepented sinners will go to hell it says so in da bible! :) i know its harsh but its God's will see what i mean?? i sin ofcourse, and i repent and confess...thats why i repent and confess so that God will forgive me , and so that i wont find my slef burning in hell, and because when i die i want eternal life with God! i hope that makes some sense..although i am sure it doesnt, its late...stuff happens when its late :))

  • The Bible clearly says practicing homosexuality is wrong, and no christian can deny that. However, let's not be insensitive and judgemental. Gay people are God's children too, so treat them like equals. In my opinion, they have become the modern day leppers in the way that they are shunned by christians.

    Also, although gay marriage is a sin, I full-heartedly support it. Let me explain why:

    1) I have the priveledge of living in a country with freedom that treats (almost) all individuals and creeds as equal. Many other countries cannot say the same. In some countries it is illegal to be christian. We obviously all know how horrible a situation that is, so how is that any different than making the practice of homosexuality illegal. We should not enforce our beliefs on others by law, a common practice in many Islamic countries, but rather we should love our homosexual brothers and try to bring them to Christ. If I shove christian beliefs down someones throat, they will despise christianity. By taking away gay peoples rights as individuals, we are only pushing them farther away from Jesus's light. God is love.

    2) Some people say that it is the governments responsibility to enforce order. How does gay marriage affect you personally. Does it hurt you physically, mentally, or spiritually? I think not! You have to realize that by banning gay marriage, we are not stopping the sin. Gay people will still practice homosexuality anyway. We are not supporting the sin either. They just want to have the same rights that every other human enjoys.

    3) Don't talk to me about the sancctity of marriage in this world either. That point is invalid. With the amount of adultery and with more than 50% of marriages ending in divorce, it is not hard to conclude that there is absolutely no sanctity of marriage in the world. In my country, a couple must be married by the government in the couthouse and by the church. Marriage in the church is the only marriage that is holy, and gay people are not asking to get married in the church. They want to be able to be married in the courthouse.

    Banning gay marriage is an injustice that persecutes homosexuals and in the end turns them away from Christs love. I encourage you all to love those away from the church.

    Tell me wahat you think.

    God Bless,

    A sinner
  • :)

    You are blessed to have such compassion and love for human beings.I admire and respect your heart.May you increase in these qualities,I pray to God that you do.But having said all that I must offer my opinion that you do err and are lacking in spiritual understanding.An insight into how much God hates sin.Even the sin of homosexuality.Sin is the very opposite of God.It is foul,filthy,diseased.It is utterly destructive by nature,adversely affecting the physical body and eventually leading to the complete ruin of the spiritual man as well.God hates sin.God opposes sin.As His children we must also hate sin.We must also fight and oppose sin with all of our strength.We must say to sin I hate you,I will strive against your power even unto my last breath.My God has spoken and commanded me to be holy even as He holy.My God has not even spared His own Son in this sacred fight against sin.
    Yes,this must be the attitude of all true christians.The love for our God YHWH compels us.His Spirit in us commands us to make war upon sin.We will prevail because our God is great.

    Let it be known in all creation,to those in Heaven,to those who dwell on the earth,and to those who dwell in the place of eternal darkness and seperation; let it be known that we do not oppose the evil of sin{homosexuality} because of our own predjudice or pride,or because our hearts are hard and unfeeling,but we fight and hate and oppose sin because we love our God and because we honor His Holy Name.It doesnt matter if every government on earth says homosexuallity is right and true,our God says it is wrong and false.Our God says it is an abomination in His eyes.Our God says those who practice such things shall not inherit eternal life and someday will be cast into the lake of fire.

    Let us never side with those who declare evil good and acceptable.Let us not compromise our morals for the sake of "political correctness" or in the name of "toleration" and the warped concept of "the brotherhood of all men".I tell you the truth,for Jesus Christ Himself said not all people are the children of God but rather unrepentant sinners are the children of their father the Devil.They do the works of their father and bear fruit in keeping with their deeds.We once were also in darkness,when we were the children of disobedience,when the Devil was our father.But thanks be to God that He saved and adopted us into his everlasting heavenly family.We are born again,a new creation,children of the good Father.Thank you o God!

    Let us love the homosexual with the love of our Father.Let us be kind and gracious,merciful and humble.But let us stand firm in our convictions,let us not compromise our beliefs,no not even for a second.Let us strive against sin at every level,personal,cultural,etc.Let us do all for the glory and honour of our great God and His holy Name! God is truly great and worth of all praise!
  • UR RIGHT!! ahh as always..


    A kind word from a brother or sister is like a healing balm,a cool drink of water in a dry and thirsty land,a refreshing spring rain,a gentle breeze in the other words...thank ;D
  • The Official church views on this are in the following links:

    1. "Coptic Orthodox Church Formally Condemns Homosexuality, Ordination of Homosexuals and Same-Sex Marriage"

  • i think you should let people do whatever they want because god gave everyone free will and everyone should choose their path.
  • i think you should let people do whatever they want because god gave everyone free will and everyone should choose their path.


    If we let people do whatever they want then chaos will prevail. The Church of God must confront evil,resist the spirit of this world, and be faithful in its preaching and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Lawlessness is not the solution. Hapiness and true freedom can be found only in Jesus Christ.If the church does not continually resist the spirit of this world,then Satan and his corrupting influence will spread like a cancerous growth bringing ruin and destruction upon the human race.The homosexual lifestyle is harmful to human beings, physically and spiritually.Christians have the moral obligation to warn people of the certain danger they face if they contine living a lifestyle that is displeasing to the eternal God;a way of life that will lead to their sure and utter doom.Christians also have the obligation to keep children from being exposed to the morally corrupting influence of homosexuality.Thats why we involve ourselves in politics,government,etc.;to be the light of Christ in the darkness and a positive,moral influence in a lost and dying world.
  • AHH Jfranklin, after that post i pretty much have nothing to say! lol...and the one beofre with the long elaborate thankyou! hehe! (its late again...i should stop responding at late hours) anyways back the the subkect at hand, that is to say "Let People Do Whatever They Want" ahh, the age old question of freedom, freedom has its limits, freedom has its limits within the the faith, if your freedom alows you to stray from the faith...then what is its purpose, you ahve freedom in the faith...and freedom is faith! (hope that made somesense).

    I dont know if anyone has every read The Lord Of The Flies...but its a great book, you sould read it, its about a group of boys, who get stranded on an island without and adults to maintain rule. well the whole point is to say that without someone or some kind of athourity and law, the boys resorted to murder, and evil doings! santen pushed fear as a huge factor u see what i am saying??

    its like if we let Homoselxuality go on then our nation will be come courupt, and evil! can u imagin your kids growing up with homosexuality as the "Norm: and they would teach that homosexuality is okay, your children will grow up thinking its okay! and that its right! do u see what i mean? and then midea it will just expand on that so much, and your children will be exposed to movies that have a homosexula theme...the implications of this sin on humanity and society is huge! and we cant just sit back and let all that happen!

    In Pope Shenudas book, he adresses the issue, and shows how God tells people Homosexuality is wrong, the leading AIDS causer is Homosexulaity i dunno about you, but that scares me! that tells me that someting is worng, and thats its not right, its good telling you knok it off ! its worng and it shouldent be done!

    I hate the word tollarence, we can tollerate annoying people, we can tollerate uneducated people,we can tollerate poloution, but when it comes to faith, and the right path, i will not tollerate its destruction, i will not stand idely by and watch them ignore the will Of God, and turn this allready courupt world, into an evil discugsting, lawless Godless land! and i will not watch my children grow in such a culture that has no God!

    okay so i am done...i forget what i even started typing, i hope that helped someone in some way! :)

  • i did not read all the posts but i have a question... other than religiously, what are some other reasons not to pass the law for gay marriages because many people are not christian and dont believe that they have to follow christian morality etc. there is a separation between church and where is the line drawn?

    one of the reasons i came up with was that they want to get married because they claim to love the other person and think they should have the same benefits of married people, but when you want to get married because you want the benefits, then you don't really love the other person, but you love yourself.

    i say take the benefits, but dont call it marriage...God Bless
  • i absoloutly agree with the dont call it marraige..and i am sure people who live with each other for a long time, have laws protecting them, its calld a common law marriage i am pretty sure about that although not 100% sure!

    Antoher thing, about the whole seperation between state and religion, i truly think that if we seperated state and religion this world would be in total dissaray!

    if you want clarification on that poin you can ask, i just wont elaborate now, its late :) again i just dunt learn!!
  • ya it's wrong because god created us as man and woman not woman and women or man and man i hope i am making sense ;D
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