


  • hey i thought they had a topic abt that already its probably still there.. ???
  • yeah they do have the topic, its been discussed to death lol
  • i'm jelous of u cremedelescremes now ur a junior and i'm still not..lol no i'm kidding i love u.. :-*
  • omgosh ur a junior too now!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!
  • i kno isn't it gr8... :D thnx sooo extreamly much..
  • I don't know if this was mentioned in the previous thread, but just one short comment. The Church does allow abortion in ONLY ONE case: if carrying through with the pregnancy (and of course birth) poses a significantly high risk to the mother's life.

    This brings about another decision to consider, this time in the hand of the mother: "should I risk, and probably lose, my own life for the sake of my unborn child?"

    May God bless and guide us all.
  • see the thing is that I heard that the church allows it in circumstances where the unborn child will be born with mental retardation or some kind of brain deffiency. I dont know what has been said in the previous thread... sorry guys I didnt know there was another one :) .
  • then lets talk about it....

    where the unborn child will be born with mental retardation or some kind of brain deffiency.

    so its okay to kill a retarted baby, but leave the normal ones?
  • good point... thats what i heard about the ill babies but im not sure if the church would really allow it though...
  • I don't understand though. Why would you want to murder a baby just because he's different. It's still killing a human being. Think about it this way... would killing a murderer not be as bad as killing anyone else. No! It's not our decision. We do not have the power to kill someone just because they aren't like everyone else. Put it this way. Instead of ending the baby's life, why don't you take it as a challange. It's still human and deserves a chance to live. Listen, if you were a mother and you had two children, one that was mentally ill and one that was normal. When would you be happier, when the mentally ill one learns their ABC's or when the normal one does. It's just a pleasure to see them accomplish something, and to realize that you helped them do it. Just because someone has a disorder doesn't mean they can't accomplish greatness. As long as you stay with God and let him guide you with this baby, there's no telling what will become of him or her.
  • thanx NotOfThisWorld
    really nice response.
  • But, what do you guys have to say... if the girl was raped... or even an incest rape, then you really gotta get rid of the baby… many say these things don’t happen as much as you think they do… all I have to say is it happens. So now what do they do, get a child who every time they will look in its face will hurt, or abort the child?
  • i would like ppl to note that not all ppl who have an abortion fall under the typical stereotype of a hooker.

    the following contains some quotes from servant of jesus:

    life is out of our hands, when someone dies we say it is gods will, when one suffers, it is also gods will, now wouldnt being born retarded or handicap or even by or rape be gods will as well?

    to put a child out of its misery? the child is not a manufactured product with a mistake, the lord makes all things and they are good (genises.)

    and also, jesus came to one of the disciples in a dream saying "do not refuse what i give u, anything i give to u is good"

    now sometimes there are trying times, when this child was the result of sin or was harmed by radiation or any other ouside component, making this child become retarded etc. I personally believe that even through mistakes, gods hand is at work.

    If this child was meant to suffer than it should carry the burden, it's pain can be compared to a widow or a starved child or a beaten wife. when u suffer, lean on the lord have faith that miracles happen. who are we to say that there is not hope for recovery? miracles are everywhere, just hold on to hope.
  • i agree with some of your points but its no use to discuss this because every situation is different and we shouldn't worry about any of this until something God forbid, happens. We really analyze this religion too much sometimes. Just have faith and make God the center of your world. I hope i can always remember that but i must say that i don't... :(
  • but there are consequences within the church for having an abortion though.
  • Yeah, I heard that the person can't take communion for a year.
  • yes, sometimes even more, one time my sunday school teacher said that they were excommunicated from the church.
  • wow really? :o en then what?
    Can they come back if they repent?
  • idk, but my sundayschool teacher told us a story about a couple who had an abortion, and a bishop found out and told them they excommunicated until they had another child.
  • i know this thread is ancient and all, but i actually did my oral about abortion and i came up with some facts, personally i was astonished to see such numbers :o

    -Abortion is one of the most common surgical procedures in the US

    -There have been 40 million abortions since 1973 in the US only, which is 4000 each day.

    -95% of all abortions is done as a means of birth control. Only 1% because of rape or incest,
    1% because of problems with the health of the child, and 3% due to the mother’s health.

    -Reasons for women to choose abortion is usually; postponing having kids for several reasons (education, job, career), problems with partners, age.

    -Worldwide there’s 46 million abortions, which is 126.000 per day.

    95% percent for birth control, that's sick, people use the argument of rape all the time, while it's the smallest percentage out of all abortions. Today people just like to take the easy way out, which results in statistics as shown above...
  • ok, i think tht abortion is 100% plus another 100 % WRONG. i used to think like some of u guyz, what if a teenage grl gets raped, should she abort? i strongly believed she would because me being a grl i no i wouldnt no wut 2 do, imagine going 2 scool, being 14 and carrying a child. plus the work at school and financial problems and i can go... on but then i started thinking, wut did the baby do? the baby was the only innocent thing that came out of the situation. y do u hve the right 2 take a baby's life? the rapist isnt going 2 b there 4 the baby so y desert it like he did? also instead of aborting it but the child up for adoption. i think with the rapist issue u should keep it.

    and 4 disabilities, i think its better to take care of a baby with a disability. think bout it, when u hve a regular normal baby it will grow up and make friends and go through the stage where he/she doeznt need there parents anymore but with a disabled kid they will always need their parents. they need someone to hold them and care 4 them, they will never want to disobey there parents, ok mayb they will but its different. it may seem difficult but u get 2 go through a whole new stage with different obstacles than the parents of a normal child.

    each case has its answer.

    i hve a question while we're on this topic, if the mother was dying because of the pregnancy would u hve the mother die or the baby?
  • abortion is wrong. period.
    for whatever reason, no one should have the athority to murder a baby.

    if they know 100000% that a child will be born with some sort of handicap, mentally or physically, does that give us the right to kill it? for all we know, that child might have grown up to be a saint! just cuz it cant do what we do, doesnt mean its any different from us in the eyes of God.

    as well, EVERYTHING happens for a reason, so if God decides to give the parents a child who will be more to handle/bear because of its handicap, then so be it. it's their cross that God chose for them, and He knows what He's doing. that child could be the key to the parents salvation. if God gives parents a handicap child, He's done it for a reason our limited minds wont figure out, and there's no questioning God's authority.

    i know of a couple who had 2 kids and were expecting a third. this couple were 2 of the greatest people i know, very involved in church, very loving and caring, and they raised their 2 kids in a christian manner. i loved them, they were awesome people. they found out that their baby wasnt going to be "normal".... but they decided to have the child anyways. it was a burden, but they took care of their baby with love and care and made sure that it didnt feel any different. i was thinking to myself, why would God do this to them, they're great people, why leave them with such a burden, and i asked them why God did this to them. their reply was amazing, they told me "God has blessed us more than we know, this precious child of his will be the salvation of this family. this gift to me by God is the greatest thing i can get, its as if im holding baby Jesus when i hold her." wow... i was stunned and i learned alot. MORAL: handicap children aren't a bad thing if you realize its a baby that came as a gift from God, as the other children are.

    as for rapes and such, satistics show that a VERY small amount of rapes end up in pregnacy. this is because during the rape the woman is not really enjoying herself, thus her body is rejecting everything that comes in. this prevents pregnancgy.
    for those that get pregnant, adoptoin is an option. no need for murder.

    take care and God bless...
  • theres no way that something like

    that can be right circumstances or not. If u were to

    bear that burden than so be it. If ur poor and hungry,

    so was jesus, if u suffer, jesus suffered; so to say

    this child is a burden is inncorrect and

    basless because babies arent the only burden and we

    Live with so y do we kill the burden when we get the

    chance? thats pathetic, to say "god its too much"?

    god doesnt give u what u cant handle, so its like

    suicide, u dont make the calls... the end.
  • I just read that our church is 100% against abortion unless it's a risk to the life of the mother.
  • sometimes its really ovious that the infant is going to die why let him suffer through it. i mean you sholdn't let something happen when you know the outcome. its just really foolish
  • Brain,
    The answer to your question is YOU DON'T know the outcome. You assume that he will die. Who are you to make that judgment? (dont' mean to pick on you or point you out in particular, I am just sayin in general).
    Also, so when a child is born (no complications during pregnancy) but at the age of 3 or 4 when we find out he is going to be mentally disabled, or whatever, we should kill him and put him out of his misary?
    How many times did God prove doctors wrong? How many times did God step in and make things right? how would I know God's wisdom in giving me a child who you may consider a burnden? Lets be realistic here.
    I think the only reason for abortion is if it endangers the mother's health and well being.
    Just my 2 cents
  • yes coptic boy but there are still sometimes when its almost scientifically ovious that the infant is going to die anyway
  • in that case, let God be the one to take the infants life, not us.
    in His hands, a life taken is much better than in ours.

    take care and God bless
  • Abortion is killing. If killing is wrong, therefore abortion is also. Abortion is terminating an innocent baby's life, even before it begun. As Christians, we should be considerate and taking a life, is the opposite of such. Everything happens for a reason... Maybe the baby is a sign from God, through whom God's glory may be revealed. Putting a baby up for adoption is also wrong - 2 me- because you never know where this baby will end up living, with unfit parents in an unsafe home...
  • What about the issues of some "contraceptives" or "birth control" that allows conception to take place , but doesn't allow the embryo to implant into the uterus? Some of the contraceptives are abortifacients, and doctors prescribe them, and the women don't know the difference. People are thinking they are practicing "birth control" when they are actually having one abortion right after another. I stand amazed at how many churches are absolutely silent on this one. (For instance-IUD's, and some types of oral "contraceptives" that allow ovulation, but not implantation of the conception.)
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