Ibrahim Ayad

Cantor Ibrahim Ayad is the lead deacon in the Cathedral in Cairo, Egypt and at present time is one of few authoritative figures on Coptic Hymns.

Available Media

Bright Saturday Hymns
Glorification for St. Mary and Archangel Michael
Good Friday Litanies
Great Lent - Saturday & Sunday - Liturgy
Great Lent - Saturday & Sunday - Matins & Vespers
Great Lent - Sun Vespers Praises
Great Lent Hymns - Weekdays
Holy Week Hymns
Hymns of the Fast of Jonah
Kiahk - Liturgy & Vespers
Kiahk Midnight Praises - 7 & 4 Hymns
Lazarus Saturday Hymns
Midnight Praises - 1
Midnight Praises - 2
Midnight Praises - 3
Midnight Praises - 4
Midnight Praises - 5
Midnight Praises - 6
Minor Feast Hymns
Nayrouz Hymns
Palm Sunday Hymns
The Feast of the Ascension
The Feast of the Nativity
The Feast of the Pentecost
The Feast of the Resurrection & the Holy Fifties
The Feast of the Theophany/Epiphany
Verses of Cymbals and Doxologies
Verses of Cymbals and Doxologies 2
Weekday Praises - 1
Weekday Praises - 2
Weekday Praises - 3