In the Midst of the Raging Sea


In the midst of the raging sea,
There I was sailing.
The waves were pounding me,
Making me afraid.
(And it seems That Christ has left me,) x2
(But I no longer see him because of my weak faith) x2

+وسط البحر الهايج وأنا ساير تلطمني أمواجه تجعلني حاير
ويسوع باين تركني ولا عدت أشوفه من ضعف إيماني

Jesus when he saw me,
Came to me quickly.
In my despair and darkness,
He opened my eyes.
(When I saw him, I cried have mercy) x2
(He came to me quickly and had mercy on me) x2

ق: يسوع لما رآني أسرعَّ إلي في يأسي و ظلامي نور عينيَّ
لما شفته صرخت ارحمني جه أنقذني و أتحنن عليَّ

The sounds of the angry waves,
Agonized my ears.
Darkness of the creeping night,
Has threatened my peace.
(And the tears, have not left my eyes)x2
(And the sleepless nights, have overwhelmed me) x2

+صوت الرياح مخيفة يزعج آذاني هول الليل وظلامه هدد سلامي
والدموع لا تترك عينيَّ والنعاس الهادي قد فارق أجفاني

I took the oar and started rowing,
But my hopes have failed
My weakness and my ignorance,
Brought more grief to me.
(And my Lord, at the shore sees me) x2
(When will you come to me, and restore my hope?) x2

+أخذت المجداف أجدف خابت آمالي ضعفى وعجزي وجهلي زود أحزاني
ويسوع ع الشط شايفنى أمتى تيجى يا ربى وترد أماني

I was in despair and drowning,
And my hope is torn.
I came to my beloved Jesus,
Offering him my tears.
(When he saw me, He had compassion on me) x2
(He stretched out his sweet hand, and dried my tears) x2

+كنت غرقان ويائس وأملى مقطوع جيت ليسوع حبيبي أذرف له الدموع
لما رآني عطف عليَّ مد ايده الحلوة ومسح لى عيني

1 west ilbahr il hayeg
we ana sayer
tedrabnee amwagoh
teg3alnee hayer
we yasoo3 bayin taraknee
wa la 3odt ashoofoo min da3f emanee


refrain: yasoo3 lama ra2anee asra3 ilaya
fee ya2see we zalamee nawar 3eneya
lama shoftoo sarakht irhamnee
geh ankazanee we et hanin 3alaya


2-sowt il reyah mokheef
yez3eg azanee
howl illeyl we zalamoh
haded salamee
we il demoo3 la tatrok 3eneya
we ilne3as ilhadey kad farek agfanee


3-akhedt ilmegdaf agadef
khabet amalee
da3fee we 3agzee we gahlee
zawad ahzanee
we yasoo3 3al shat shayefnee
imta tygee ya rabee we terodelee amalee


4-kont ghar2an we ba2is
we amalee ma2too3
geyt le yasoo3 habybee
azref loh il demoo3
lama ra2anee 3ataf 3alaya
mad eydoo ilhelwa we masah lee 3eneya