Pauline Epistle :: البولس


2 Corinthians 5:11- 6:1-13

2 كورنثوس 5 : 11- 6 : 1-13

Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences. For we do not commend ourselves again to you, but give you opportunity to boast on our behalf, that you may have an answer for those who boast in appearance and not in heart.

فَإِذْ نَحْنُ عَالِمُونَ مَخَافَةَ الرَّبِّ نُقْنِعُ النَّاسَ. وَأَمَّا اللهُ فَقَدْ صِرْنَا ظَاهِرِينَ لَهُ، وَأَرْجُو أَنَّنَا قَدْ صِرْنَا ظَاهِرِينَ فِي ضَمَائِرِكُمْ أَيْضاً. لأَنَّنَا لَسْنَا نَمْدَحُ أَنْفُسَنَا أَيْضاً لَدَيْكُمْ، بَلْ نُعْطِيكُمْ فُرْصَةً لِلاِفْتِخَارِ مِنْ جِهَتِنَا، لِيَكُونَ لَكُمْ جَوَابٌ عَلَي الَّذِينَ يَفْتَخِرُونَ بِالْوَجْهِ لاَ بِالْقَلْبِ.

For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; or if we are of sound mind, it is for you. For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.

لأَنَّنَا إِنْ صِرْنَا مُخْتَلِّينَ فَلِلَّهِ، أَوْ كُنَّا عَاقِلِينَ فَلَكُمْ. لأَنَّ مَحَبَّةَ الْمَسِيحِ تَحْصُرُنَا. إِذْ نَحْنُ نَحْسِبُ هَذَا: أَنَّهُ إِنْ كَانَ وَاحِدٌ قَدْ مَاتَ لأَجْلِ الْجَمِيعِ. فَالْجَمِيعُ إِذاً مَاتُوا. وَهُوَ مَاتَ لأَجْلِ الْجَمِيعِ كَيْ يَعِيشَ الأَحْيَاءُ فِيمَا بَعْدُ لاَ لأَنْفُسِهِمْ، بَلْ لِلَّذِي مَاتَ لأَجْلِهِمْ وَقَامَ.

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

إِذاً نَحْنُ مِنَ الآنَ لاَ نَعْرِفُ أَحَداً حَسَبَ الْجَسَدِ. وَإِنْ كُنَّا قَدْ عَرَفْنَا الْمَسِيحَ حَسَبَ الْجَسَدِ، لَكِنِ الآنَ لاَ نَعْرِفُهُ بَعْدُ. إِذاً إِنْ كَانَ أَحَدٌ فِي الْمَسِيحِ فَهُوَ خَلِيقَةٌ جَدِيدَةٌ. الأَشْيَاءُ الْعَتِيقَةُ قَدْ مَضَتْ. هُوَذَا الْكُلُّ قَدْ صَارَ جَدِيداً.

Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

وَلَكِنَّ الْكُلَّ مِنَ اللهِ، الَّذِي صَالَحَنَا لِنَفْسِهِ بِيَسُوعَ الْمَسِيحِ، وَأَعْطَانَا خِدْمَةَ الْمُصَالَحَةِ، أَيْ إِنَّ اللهَ كَانَ فِي الْمَسِيحِ مُصَالِحاً الْعَالَمَ لِنَفْسِهِ، غَيْرَ حَاسِبٍ لَهُمْ خَطَايَاهُمْ، وَوَاضِعاً فِينَا كَلِمَةَ الْمُصَالَحَةِ.

Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.

إِذاً نَسْعَي كَسُفَرَاءَ عَنِ الْمَسِيحِ، كَأَنَّ اللهَ يَعِظُ بِنَا. نَطْلُبُ عَنِ الْمَسِيحِ: تَصَالَحُوا مَعَ اللهِ. لأَنَّهُ جَعَلَ الَّذِي لَمْ يَعْرِفْ خَطِيَّةً، خَطِيَّةً لأَجْلِنَا، لِنَصِيرَ نَحْنُ بِرَّ اللهِ فِيهِ. فَإِذْ نَحْنُ عَامِلُونَ مَعَهُ نَطْلُبُ أَنْ لاَ تَقْبَلُوا نِعْمَةَ اللهِ بَاطِلاً.

For He says: "In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you." Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed.

لأَنَّهُ يَقُولُ: «فِي وَقْتٍ مَقْبُولٍ سَمِعْتُكَ، وَفِي يَوْمِ خَلاَصٍ أَعَنْتُكَ». هُوَذَا الآنَ وَقْتٌ مَقْبُولٌ. هُوَذَا الآنَ يَوْمُ خَلاَصٍ. وَلَسْنَا نَجْعَلُ عَثْرَةً فِي شَيْءٍ لِئَلاَّ تُلاَمَ الْخِدْمَةُ.

But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.

بَلْ فِي كُلِّ شَيْءٍ نُظْهِرُ أَنْفُسَنَا كَخُدَّامِ اللهِ، فِي صَبْرٍ كَثِيرٍ، فِي شَدَائِدَ، فِي ضَرُورَاتٍ، فِي ضِيقَاتٍ، فِي ضَرَبَاتٍ، فِي سُجُونٍ، فِي اضْطِرَابَاتٍ، فِي أَتْعَابٍ، فِي أَسْهَارٍ، فِي أَصْوَامٍ، فِي طَهَارَةٍ، فِي عِلْمٍ، فِي أَنَاةٍ، فِي لُطْفٍ، فِي الرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ، فِي مَحَبَّةٍ بِلاَ رِيَاءٍ، فِي كَلاَمِ الْحَقِّ، فِي قُوَّةِ اللهِ بِسِلاَحِ الْبِرِّ لِلْيَمِينِ وَلِلْيَسَارِ. بِمَجْدٍ وَهَوَانٍ. بِصِيتٍ رَدِيءٍ وَصِيتٍ حَسَنٍ. كَمُضِلِّينَ وَنَحْنُ صَادِقُونَ. كَمَجْهُولِينَ وَنَحْنُ مَعْرُوفُونَ. كَمَائِتِينَ وَهَا نَحْنُ نَحْيَا. كَمُؤَدَّبِينَ وَنَحْنُ غَيْرُ مَقْتُولِينَ. كَحَزَانَي وَنَحْنُ دَائِماً فَرِحُونَ. كَفُقَرَاءَ وَنَحْنُ نُغْنِي كَثِيرِينَ. كَأَنْ لاَ شَيْءَ لَنَا وَنَحْنُ نَمْلِكُ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ.

O Corinthians! We have spoken openly to you, our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. Now in return for the same I speak as to children, you also be open.

فَمُنَا مَفْتُوحٌ إِلَيْكُمْ أَيُّهَا الْكُورِنْثِيُّونَ. قَلْبُنَا مُتَّسِعٌ. لَسْتُمْ مُتَضَيِّقِينَ فِينَا بَلْ مُتَضَيِّقِينَ فِي أَحْشَائِكُمْ. فَجَزَاءً لِذَلِكَ أَقُولُ كَمَا لأَوْلاَدِي: كُونُوا أَنْتُمْ أَيْضاً مُتَّسِعِينَ!