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  • thanks minagir is the tune to the long one similar to the long ten theeno or am I mistaken?
  • try this
  • "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28) 25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor a…
  • [quote author=jydeacon link=topic=9264.msg114676#msg114676 date=1274546881] Also does anyone know of any bishops who might be ordained tomorrow? [/quote] I heard it was just priests and here is the link to what Godislove260 mentioned: http://www.c…
  • I think the bread part was explained well by others, I just want to add one thing: someone mentioned before that yeast is a symbol of sin which is true and also when we mix it with flour and water to make orban and bake it, the yeast dies symbolizin…
  • the people who need to worry about this are the people who follow the world but to us it means nothing to us, the devil is like a dog tied down with a chain by God, he can only bite us in one of two conditions 1. we willingly go close to him 2. Go…
  • I live in Canada and I'm turning 20. Personally, I try to align my beliefs perfectly with what my Church believes. If there is any contradiction, I get it sorted out as soon as possible by asking questions on forums like this and asking priests and…
  • 2 things your parents SHOULD NEVER force you to choose: your career and your wife... because it will affect your entire life. like others already said, there are many things to consider and ultimately God should be the One choosing. Also, keep this…
    in My future? Comment by the_least May 2010
  • ilovesaintmark, I am eager to hear your response. I really want to know because now I am one who hands down hymns to kids, and I don't want to fall short in doing this.
  • May you please kindly describe to me what the process consists of. When I learned hymns from older deacons (not cantors because we don't have any) the focus was on when the hymn is said, maybe some "taqs" here and there and the hymn itself. Is this…
  • [quote author=ilovesaintmark link=topic=9164.msg113906#msg113906 date=1272491176] Learn it from a cantor at the church.  Do not learn it by digital recordings. [/quote] May I ask why? [quote author=ilovesaintmark link=topic=9164.msg113906#msg11390…
  • It's almost like when you ask your teacher something on a test and he says he doesn't know. How can he not know when he's the one who made the test. He obviously knows but he has the right to say "I don't know"; or else, it would be cheating on his …
  • I don't know about you, but when a PRIEST (a man ordained by God) asks me to do something, I DO IT.
  • "you will return with greater power!" (St. John Chrysostom)
  • I would love to get a hold of that CD
  • guys, this question that I asked last is a serious question that I want an answer for and I don't know who else to ask.
  • There is a difference between what the Church RECOMMENDS and what the Church ALLOWS. Let's be more percise with our words so as to not lead souls astray.
  • I love it, but i think these beautiful words deserve an original tune.
  • if this is the person God has chosen for you, then don't hesitate for a moment even if this... and if that... I remember there is this story in the old testament where God told someone to marry a woman who was a harlot (if you know what I am talking…
  • I don't know how to say this in a nicer way, but other religions are made up, ours is not. Although they may have some truths, like the fact that muslims also believe in one God, we have the fullness of Truth. I don't think there is anything wrong …
  • May you please explain how these petitions are going to help. Thank you.
  • get 'real player' and when you play it, in the top right there will be a button that says "download video"
  • Isaiah 55:8-9 8 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts,       Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. 9 “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth,       So are My ways higher than your ways,       And My thoughts than your thoughts.
  • [quote author=QT_PA_2T link=topic=8607.msg108782#msg108782 date=1262174169] Hey mr Least, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I was trying to rephrase the question. But I agree with Child of Orthodoxy's answer, What I am expecting is for them to…
  • QT, usually when someone asks a question and he gets answers but he is still not convinced, he asks deeper questions, not the EXACT SAME ONES. I think that the answers to all your questions have already been given... go back and read all the posts f…
  • [quote author=grace08 link=topic=8628.msg108760#msg108760 date=1262103499] [quote author=the_least link=topic=8628.msg108759#msg108759 date=1262074894] You're only forgiven your sins when you confess them and abouna prays the ABSOLUTION on your head…
  • NO, because you haven't confessed them and when he prays he doesn't pray the absolution. You're only forgiven your sins when you confess them and abouna prays the ABSOLUTION on your head. When abouna simply prays on your head it's either just a bl…
  • ask anyone who studies patrology (not me but I know  someone who does) and they will tell you that you cannot trust any translation... I would appreciate it if you can find me exactly where the blessed and honoured SAINT John Chrysostom said this an…