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  • AHAHAHAA!!! Lucky for you, I was VERY far away!
  • Lol, nobody's offended! I'm sorry if i seemed offended in my response, I honestly didn't mean to :) It's just that I get very passionate on this subject of rites and traditions...I've been this way ever since I heard a talk by HG Anba Yoannis on CTV…
  • Osboo3 el alaam (Holy Week) How could I forget Holy Week!!!! This is my FAVOURITE thing about our church - that we dedicate a whole week to live through the journey of our Saviour day by day! I've really taken it for granted in the past, but speakin…
  • [quote author=PopeKyrillos link=topic=6839.msg91612#msg91612 date=1214513159] Look at a pregnant woman. She loves her baby, before he/she even is born. A mother also knows the risk she is putting her child in when she makes the decision to have a ch…
  • I've always thought of creation as a gift, in that its better to exist than to NOT exist. Who was God to share His love with if He hadn't created us? I like to think of it as a husband and wife - they have an instinct to bear children, to care for t…
  • Clay, you make a very good point, but I have to debate one point (sorry!): As to the original question, I know I did not answer it well. But I see your point, and I think it is only increasing among the Orthodox as we have become more educated and m…
  • There's nothing like attending tasbeha in a's amazing on a WHOLE new level :D
    in Tamgeed Comment by LondonCopt June 2008
  • Sorry, I don't know of a site that lets you do that, but I know of a very good CD you can buy: It has 2 CDs - a reference library with icons, articles by church fathers, HH Pope Shenouda…
  • [quote author=coptic pharaoh link=topic=6834.msg91590#msg91590 date=1214504681] Vas.... look some stuff are just like that.... like we are allowed to eat fish.... that is need to make a big deal out of it.... [/quote] Absolutely NOTHING in…
  • Try reading this article, it should explain why:
  • Ha, I like the direction that this thread is taking! Everyone has emotions ya know :)
  • Aww now I'm blushing  ::)
  • names mean "Gift of God" and "Farmer" :P And count me in that Alexandria group! :D
  • Look, after thinking about this more, i think i disagree with Clay. Yes.. the story was nice... but, God would not lead us into temptation to make us grow stronger. He wouldn't. Would he?? If the rock represents sin, why would he ask us to struggle…
  • [quote author=josephgabriel link=topic=6801.msg91487#msg91487 date=1214327586] lol who started this whole macho thing anyways ya mo3allem? [/quote] lol you can't be talking to me, im definitely not a mo3allem :P
  • Haha what's all this blushing!? Ah it must be hard being a macho man, huh Joe? :P
  • I don't have any friends...:( Oh wait, yes i do :D i definitely have the great honour of knowing of the most angelic voices i've heard from any deacon :D Matthew
  • Lol I'd make a useless stalker...I'd be found out waaaaay too easily :P Lol, London isn't the ideal place for a honeymoon, but definitely worth visiting! If you do ever end up in London then first: look us up! And second, God help you! :P
  • Clay, that was a BEAUTIFUL story, thanks for sharing it :) [quote author=QT_PA_2T link=topic=6791.msg91467#msg91467 date=1214321605] Put it this way: when u join a gym, you need to do aerobic and muscular exercises. There's no point in having stron…
  • I know for a fact that the child can be given a "baptism name", but I have absolutely no idea if this is a rite of the church or just a tradition of parents. My name is "Matthew" but my baptism name is "Isaiah". The Greek "Name's Day" practice soun…
    in Name Day Comment by LondonCopt June 2008
  • I don't think it's useful to look for us to prove the existence of God using philosophy or any other such means. BUT, I think it's necessary to know a bit of philosophy to defend our faith, i.e- to be able to refute arguments of others claiming that…
  • [quote author=godislove260 link=topic=6716.msg91458#msg91458 date=1214316273] Do you have anything like that for girls?? (probably not I guess it's just frustrating cuz it would be so wonderful if I could witness something like that, you guys are so…
  • We've been having a monastic retreat in our church for the last 3 years now. I went on my first one last Christmas...randomly discovered I was related to one of the monks there! Anyone is welcome to come along though, it's an incredible experience. …
  • A monastary retreat is the MOST amazing experience you will ever have! 3 others and myself were blessed enough to spend 2 weeks or so in St Anthony's Monastary in EGYPT (under HG Bishop Youstos). This was during Kiahk back at Christmas...i'll let yo…
  • Lol as you can tell, Joe is stalking me :P bentbabayasooa, i was born and raised in UK...sometimes wish i was studyin abroad though! Matt, your name's lookin' pretty cool too  8) I need your prayers for exams at the moment too...and that Christ may…
  • Lol I definitely meant 25th December! Although a liturgy on the beach could be interesting :P
  • The history and spirtuality of the church. I still find it incredible that so many of our ancestors died as martyrs to defend our faith. I think we've gained so much from persecution, in that there's a great deal of spirituality in our church. "The…
  • Personally, I think the best way to preach is without using words. By that, I mean that your life and all the actions in it should reflect the glory of God. It's all about being an EXAMPLE to others to draw them to Christ - when others see how peace…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, God bless you all. coptic youth, we're even more closely related through countries - I've actually had a brief stay in Australia, although it was NSW, sunny Sydney :P Spending Christmas day on the beach is still…
  • Are you all talking about Long Aspazesthe or the short? I am kinda amazed on how much you know Joe, especially for your age! Joe knows his hymns VERY well, I've had the huge blessing of praying with him before. Incredible knowledge and an angelic vo…