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  • matkhafsh ya 3amenah..... Rabak kebeir w'3alem bely fel 2alb wel neyah. wentah "trusting in God".... w'Rabenah 3moroh ma khazal 7ad eltaga2loh 2abl kidah. wely ye3meloh Rabina, Laho el magd, howa el sale7. mosh kidah wala eh? :) w'tab3an matensash…
  • by now u must know my fav. ;D i've mentioned more than 1, 2, 3, 4, .... 500 times!!! ;D lol no, seriously, my fav. all time hymn is psalm 150 in the kiahk tune. khateerah!! ba7es fe3lan en 2alby haynot min makanoh w'hayetla3 foo2 fel samah!!! …
  • tesada2o ya ged3an en deh awel marah, enahardah, a3raf en "mas" (from Christmas) ma3nahah "birth" bel coptic?? ana 3al 3emoom, raghm eny fee kalemat keteera bel coptic mabafhamhash fel qodas, ela eny ba7eb gidan el loghah el qebtyah gidan... leeha t…
  • u keep asking what's Gods kid point, but what i want to know is.... what's YOUR point?? ya3ny 3awez te2ol eh belzabt? en el regalah a3lah min el setat?? that deacons have greater faith than other believers? if that is your opinion, let me tell you m…
  • eh dah????? eh ya c.s...... kol deh as2elah :( danah awel mabaseit 3aleihom eftakart eny 2a3dah bamte7en imte7an goghrafyah fee gam3et 3ein shams!!! ;D ;D ;D bahazar tab3an! ;D manty 3arfany ba2a, damy zay el 3asal... el 3asal el eswed ;D …
  • ya c.s. ya 7abebet 2alby, ana 3einy etkhara2oh min matra7hom min kotr manah dawart fee ta2reeban KOL versions min el Bibles.... elah ma feeh passage that contains the sentences u've written. bosy ba2a... enty ezaher bayenek kidah lazem teghashesheen…
  • ya 3am mina... ahlan wasahlan beek :D eh ya 3am.... meen dolah ely yehdoh, entah shayefna benshed fee sha3renah wala eh?? ;D ;D w'ba3dein meen dah ely ghalat? deh Iqbal el administrator edetna el ma3loomat ely fee emanah el qibty el orthodoxy. …
  • 3alah ra2y el oghneyah ely bet2ool, "so2al ghareeeeb, magawabeshy 3aleih!!!!!!" lazem amshy delwa2ti, laken hagaweb 3ala so2alak dah lama aroo7 el beit enshalah. salam :)
  • ana ba2a ya 3am mtanious, belnesbaly mafeesh a7lah min madaye7 kiahk. YASALAAAAAAAM 8) el al7an wel taraneem bamoot feeha.... zay el al7an el kyahkyah beta3et el mazmoor 150, w'"qal Al Rab l'moosah", w' "sabany 7obek, ya fakhr el rotab" mabasada2…
  • what?????? :o :o :o deacons serving the Blood of Christ?? i've NEVER heard of that. i thought the priest and only those who are ordained in the priesthood could distribute the Eucharist. hmmmmmmmmmmm......... ???
    in Deacons Comment by filobateer April 2006
  • man, dude, that website is awesome! especially the polls they have... favorite saint/martyr, fav. hymn. i love the pictures. however, why is the joining part so secretive. can u give me more info, lildude? i'd really appreciate it. shokran. salam …
  • any time, bro. no prob. at all!!! ;D ;D ;) keep those threads coming, dude. ur topics are seriously really interesting. i love 'em!!! ;D
  • Katherine, you are a wonderful person. I respect you very much and i respect what you've written in the last post. You do have a point in saying that it is BETTER, not necessarily required though, to read the book so we can know what's in it so that…
  • well, in my opinion lildude, if i keep saying "tommorrow is the end, tommorrow is the end" then in some way i'm actually challenging God. in other words, my subconscience is whispering in my ears.... "hey, filobateer, since God already said that no …
  • so2al gameel!! howa tab3an e7na kona netmanah enoh tekoun nehaytoh el ferdoos. leh? la2enoh fel akher nedem 3ala ghaltetoh w' ayqaan enoh salem damm baree2, awo bel english "betrayed innocent blood." laken lel asaf el shedeed, unlike botros, howa ma…
  • ya sandra, roo7y lel website ely 2aletlek 3aleiha coptic servant ely heya deh: ba3d kidah, you'll find various tabs at the top of page that say "liturgies" "hymns" "tasbha" etc. enty click o…
  • i admire the topic u've chosen to start a thread about, Hizz_chiilld. reflecting on one's present self and one's "wanna-be" Christian self is the jest of our life. and like what you and coptic servant have mentioned in ur replies, as much as it is …
  • no prob. ya c.s., anytime!! ;) enty bas te2ashary kidah, we7na ta7t amrek ;D ;D lawo 3ayzah ay khedmah tanyah, 2o2mory... min 3enayah deh w'3enayah deh!! ;D :D
  • lel asaf el shadeed, zay ma2al John_s2000, ur conscience could reach a level of idleness. ya3ny damernah yemoot khales. like who?? like wahed zay el ra2ees S.H. ;) dah kan medy dameroh agazah 3ardah.... Rabina yesam7oh ba2a 3ala ely 3amaloh fee 7…
  • Hizz-child, what kind of lyrics are these?? :) these songs are absolutely AWESOME!!!!! these words can't possibly not penetrate a person's heart. like they say in arabic, "kalam zay el sarookh"! ;D beautiful, meaningful lyrics these songs have. i l…
  • you made perfect sense, coptic servant. ;D and you know what, i'm totally okay with the asterik thing :D.... sometimes i even use it for footnotes. i hope nobody changes that cause if they did i know i'll be confused!! ??? ;D salam* ;D salam …
  • ya alf alf mar7abah ya akh kyrollos!!! entah geit lel makan el tamam: hena hatla2y 3eltak el tanyah ba2a.... 3ayzeen neshouf posts belhabal ba2a.... dana sa3at ba23od akteb la7ad ama 3einy tetma2a2! :o :o ;D kaman marah, ahlan beek…
    in gbu all Comment by filobateer April 2006
  • you have no idea ezay ya3ny?? i'm not talking in spanish or zimbabwe.... what i wrote was ARABIC.... however, if you really didn't understand what i said, find someone that speaks arabic and they can tell you. i write like that to other members that…
  • ya 3am entah mosh wade7..... bardoh mosh 3arfah entah betlama7 3ala eh..... 7elwo awy el kalam ely entah 2oltoh dah. tayeb, hah???? w'ba3dein ya3ny? EH NO2TETAK? matkhaleek wade7 kidah w'maftoo7.... oly belzabt ely mosh 3agbak fee ra2y 3ashan akoun …
  • First of all Katherine, YOU don't have the right to tell me what and what not to think. When I started the message I clearly stated that I respected esakla's opinion. Secondly, I've already mentioned why I'm not reading the book. It seems like you d…
  • Dear esakla23, With all respect to your opinion, I have to say that I don't hate The Da Vinci Code book - I DESPISE it! I didn't read it and will not read it simply because of the various reviews (not criticisms) that it has receieved. Why would …
  • kol sanah wentom kolokom tayebeen ya sha3b Al Massee7. eh?? mosh sam3a zaghrotah ya3ny..... ma7adesh 3ayez yezaghrat?!... :D khalas, af2a3lokom ana zaghroota delwa2t... [move]LULULULULULULULULULULULULULULUYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!![/move] ;D ;D akheeran 3…
  • peace be with you Rina4God, Rina, try your best to eliminate God, our Lord Jesus Christ, from your life for just two days. just two days! this will answer your question of whether religion is good for you or not. cause if it's bad, what else could …