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  • i was watching this interview once between like diane sawwyer and this muslisuicide bomber-wanna-bee.. and she asked m that.. and he said they believee godd createss them espically for them. soo :/ eh. they're just THERE i  guess.
  • idk...maybe  the way you explain things to her..makes more sense..ya know? like all of last year in algebra ppl would sk me for help even after they asked the teacher  help. sometimes when you hear it a certain way it clicks. or mbe for somee wacko…
  • basically, it's someone that has your best interest at heart. some one that will let you know, no matter what, if they see you're going the wrong way. It's someone that will sticks by you when you need help and when you don't need help. :/ ehh..t…
  • erghh.. i don't think it's wrong.. and why would you cry for Christ?
  • lets not also forget that even if dinasours were alive after Adam and Eve's time, most of htem were probably killed by Noahs Flood. ^^ how come? :/
  • amen to that ! :D i think we need more documentaries about coptic orthodoxy in general. it's really rare that someone doesn't think im crazy when i say christmas is on the 7th of january and then proceed to explain im coptic orthodox.. so really...…
  • i actually think there's one in saitn anthony monestary in cali... i can't remember [or don't know] his name..but he only comes to masses...doesn't talk to anyone then..he like disappears. that what you mean by hermit? lol...sorry im kind …
  • why did the dinos [+other extinct animals] die? all the other animals are still aliveee soo reallyy... i don't understand why God would decide to randomly create this creature.. just so he could kill it off the next "day" [whether or not it's 24 hou…
  • really good ! you should consider sending it to saint john or saint anthony monestary. (::
  • uhhhh.. how would you know this? is it really possible for dinosaurs to be alive one "day" and dead the next. I mean they did live with  and  tigers and beasrs..why not dinos?
  • so in other words dinasours could have been created before man and died before man or could have co-inhabited with man. uhmm...are you sure that's possible? i mean.... Adam did name every animal...right? why would he name a big dead thing?
  • seriously??? me playing  a word game on the internet feeds ppl?? are you sure? that's so cool.. but, how and why???
  • Hair is a waste product therefore i see no vanity in having it cut off, it's a sort of personal hygene ,like cutting your nails. since when can people be life-threateningly ugly? haha...there's no such thing. If you look at these women's intention…
  • i know where you're coming from :/ unfortuantely i notice that it's very common for people at church to quietly glare at others. the only thing i can say one less..try to make a difference. you might be the same way without even noticingg..s…
  • They have faith in God, but they don't want to...[?] If i'm not mistaking, the reason the devil fell from heaven , was because he wanted to be greater than God. It's not that he didn't have faith in him or didn't believe in him, it's that he wanted…
  • i think your "views" are different then the church's views. The church generally doesn't agree with abortions, except for very special situations, so if you really want to go with the abortion because it is stopping the will of God, and…
  • wait...what??? a lion, eagle and calf intercede on our behalf?????????
  • The Cross means the Power and Glory of Jesus Christ but why?
  • i think that ur curfew is a little unreasonable but then again, sinful things usually happen late and it would be best to go home and pray that time instead of being out chillin (or if ur like my bro, u would be street racing @ 1 am:). yeah, like re…
  • no one can say you can or not, no one except you. You know yourself best, and if you feel you can go to homeconing....and still follow the ten commandments then goo foorr it :D you know...don't kill anyone...don't lie...dont uh. you know...ect. goi…
  • Thanks for the suggestions guys. I was going to ask Abouna how I can become more involved...but its that stretch of 55 miles that makes things so difficult  i feel your pain :/ like an dhour drive away too maybe you can suggest they have …
  • im sure you would lust for her more than a girl in normal "inappropriate" clothe. normal inappropriate clothe?? livve in some sad timess..:p
  • yeah, we have one in my church too. well, the children can read, Can't they? they can translate it on their own, i don't feel why coptic and arabic are cut out so much, just so the children, that are in fact sitting there sleeping can understand the…
  • okay..well a mix would be dandy, btu we don't even have that... like i know in the staes (my church at least) up till a month or so ago...we had 80% of the mass english ! why? becasue "el atfal mabeifahmoshh" the children don't understand. u guys …
  • yeah, true, BUT 1) theres the little translation book thing 2) it would motivate(almost force) people to learn more coptic, cuz right now, there really arent many people that know coptic, it might go extinct :O
  • I'm all for reverting, even, to a completely, 100 percent Coptic service (Litrurgy, hymns, everthing!). We must preserve our identity, and just the fact that Coptic is such a great language that everyone should learn is reason enough for such a reve…
  • As for sinning in your room, couldn't you find something better to do on that Saturday night? Think midnight praises with some friends. It doesn't even need to be religious, you could play video games, or have dinner with said group, and so on. It'…
  • yeah, Coptic is our language, and instead of tearing it down and replacing it, we should be teaching it ! It was originally the language we spoke on a daily basis and now it's only in churches, we can't take it out of that too ! if anything, i think…
  • No, Paradise is not Heaven at all, it is the waiting place for the rightous who die before the second coming of Our Lord :O so that means we're gonna know where we're going (up or down) right after we die??
  • isn't paradise Heaven?