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  • Sorry, I meant coptic_deacon.
  • Copticandproud, Nothing to be ashamed of. If you don't know Kiriye Eleyson, go ahead and chant the introduction of the verses of the cymbals followed by Ethrenhos. That will usually suffice for the priest to complete the circuit. If not, you can sa…
  • Perhaps the discussion has transitioned to a different topic but I'll comment on a few things that came up earlier. I believe the attraction to one form of Liturgical music versus another is based on what one is accustomed to. Generally speaking, I …
  • I believe that a balance can be struck between chanting longer hymns and keeping the congregation engaged. For instance, one Sunday Apetjeek evol can be chanted, another one of the Coptic readings, on another Sunday, the long Praxis response, on oth…
  • Mina, I believe availability of that book has always been sporadic and it probably doesn't help that demand for it is high since it contains a number of hymns absent from other books such as Muallim Farag's edition. I have a 1990 edition that was g…
  • Hi, The Agebya from the Mahabba Bookstore is in both Arabic and English. It is hardcover and fairly small, about the size of two decks of cards on top oif each other. It does not have a dust jacket. Hope that helps.
  • Mina, Your advice would work if it is known where they are sold, otherwise I would be sending my relatives on a wild goose chase (which I've done before for other things). When i was in Egypt last I looked for khidmet ilshammas and the recordings I…