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  • wait... what... why do i see my name in this???
  • hummm........................... OK! NOW!! ok... wait... the laugh is coming to me hold on... ha ................. ha think one more is coming wait............... nah, that was it... how enta shayefna fe el zoo walla ah??? yes.. i see u locked hanak…
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • mean dah??? anbabola in a soccer team????????? :D can someone remind me to laugh in about 10mins or so PLEASE!!! tick... tock... tick... tock... wait, wait, r u jealous??? that is because you spend hours on line.......................!!!!! nah...…
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • your part of a soccer team am i right? i used to play kora sharab back at egypt if u know what that is :D right now, i have no time at all for soccer... i barely get time to sleep :-\
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • thanks heaps AnbaBola i truly appreciate your contributions hehehe... glad i can help... let us know how that family gathering go...
    in Signs Comment by looppool December 2006
  • hello ppl... i had a nice chat with my two abounas about this, and here is the explaination if u r wondering too..... about the new transfigured body, and when do we take it, and how do the good dead ppl see god without it while bearing his glory: …
  • where abouts are you from? (in egypt) you know how to read and write arabic hey cairo... kahrawy... and i'm ahlawy too :P
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • so they built a new building?? or r u talking about the same "kaa3a" as abouna Shenouda used to called it?
  • to tell u the truth... i like it to be just coptic and arabic... when abouna starts praying in english i be like yoo`oo tani... i don't feel the same way when praying in english :-\
  • could you elaborate on the nature of the relationship we are talking about so we can answer your question!
  • one time at my church, we had an abouna from france, and he was praying french, coptic and arabic... and our abouna was praying english, coptic and arabic... it was funny since no one understood the french piece of it :D
  • jydeacon... ur right, abouna Tadros yacob malaty in his book "Genesis", he talks about this too... he also says that God most likely created other animals that died/extinct that we don't know about... about evolution and the creation of earth... sc…
  • do you happen to have that book or now its name i would like to read it. beta3 el 3adra?? its in arabic.... do u read arabic?
  • HEY? I am trying to be nice here! tayab 7`alas i take back dr. e or i meant m :P just kidding...
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • wait... i should have said dr. evil :P
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • Going back to what you said before about how long judgment will take, you can then see that time is something that is hard to comprehend or measure after life on earth. i was just thinking out loud about how long it will take... "yaoum wahad 3ad el …
  • going back to your point mena.. so if we were to speculate about the place of hades, it has to be some where under us... since it says "he DESCENDED into hades"... ok good enough... but then... on the judgement day, it will be just a matter of reci…
  • a silly thought that just hit me now... did u guys ever think bout how long this judgement day will take by an earthly clock???? def its not gonna be a single day :D i would say may be years, since the angel will call on each and everyone of us s…
  • ok... that's new to me then... hades and hell are two different places?? in arabic both are "el gahiem" so with this in mind, i would say hell has the eternal fire, what about hades? does it have fire too?? where is hell and hades?? in which heave…
  • Jesus descended into hades and brought all the righteous people out through the cross. hummm.... i don't know... based on the first story that i wrote, ppl go to hell/hades right away... plus, as u quoted from the liturgy, "he descended into hades…
  • :'( ha ha ha ha hay
  • what's that supposed to mean evil doctor?
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • maybe you should send el Pope an email and ask him actually, i'm planning to ask abouna this question this weekend once i see him... i've been thinking about this alot and so far i can't find a clear answer yet... will let you know what abouna say.
  • you are right mena... this makes sense to me... but does this mean that the ppl in hell will come out of the fire, have their lives revealed, then go back?? what about the transfigured body?? also, another question just came to mind... where will…
  • I think God might listen to you! God listens to all of us... He knows I was only kidding :D rabana ma3aky... and this time no left and right...
  • koty koty koty koty koty :P :P :P JK
  • brain wash him... u can't give up from the first round. start talking about having kids, and becoming a dad... get those feelings refreshed in him ask him what made him think this way... tell him that god made us a man and a woman, not a man and a…
    in Signs Comment by looppool December 2006
  • hehehe... i did live in egypt, in fact i was born there!! u have to think like the person yr dealing with to understand him/her very quickly. like what st paul said, i became jew to win the jew... if ur dealing with an egyptain mentally, then to by…
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • DJ Sam, its got a nice ring to it dont you think? i might be wrong, but it seems as though u want to do it cause its cool, or cause it will get you some earthly glory!! if that's the case, i would stay away from it. toba lee-maan madho meen el lah…
    in DJ Comment by looppool December 2006
  • Thanks anbabola! Ya rab ostorha! oh you didn't see my hand when i said rabana ma3aky... it was going left to right and right to left :P JK