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His son


His son
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  • While we are on the topic, I want to ask: Is it only supposed to be sung by the priest on the Good Friday, or any deacon can sing it?
  • Hey, Joyful4eva and Kerestina, I personally believe that it isn't always the case that working hard at school makes you a good person, but I was merely presenting a point of view that has been proven through living examples. If you are willing to …
  • Yeah i would have said pekethrosnos Z(not that i've learned it) I've tried to learn for a number of years, bnt the furthest i got was like 5 minuets of it, lol I used to know shere maria tethoro tevo... My favourite (yes that wasn't the question …
  • Hey Mary, About confession: If you find the bishop scary and hard to get to (offcourse his grace must be so busy), you must find another FOC, if you don't have another one at your church, then go to the priest in the next closest church. If that's …
  • Hey, Before I begin, I must confess that I am very prejudice about computer games, I absolutely LOVE them ;D Video games are a form of entertainment, and should be thought of that way when people object to violent games. I can't help but see some…
  • Hey, "Told yo so" doesn't necessarily mean that you are saying "I'm right, you're wrong", it depends on the tone of voice. "I'm right you're wrong" seem a little arrogant. Conversely, "I warned you, you should heed you're friend’s advice (especiall…
  • Hey, Coptic means Egyptian CHRISTIAN or the original inhabitants of egypt. You can also have Coptic Catholic, Coptic Adventists. As soon as they converted to Islam or any other religion, those egyptian becase Arabs, and hence lost their coptic i…
  • Hey, Orthodoxy by definition is traditional, as opposed to Catholicism which by definition is universal (look em up). This where we seem to be stuck! I haven’t been to France yet, but I wouldn't mind hearing a French mass. I sympathise with your th…
  • Hey all, I have to laugh here, because everyone (including me) seem to agree on one fundamental, and that is Egyptians with traditional kind of thinking have the tendency to be prejudice (for good or bad) about the different career choices. I've ha…
  • Hey, I disagree with Vasillios and Kristina123 in that I believe that Coptic is more than a mere language or our history. It is in fact the living present; but why? As stated previously, the original church teachings and masses were written in Cop…
  • Hey Vassilios, The questions you have asked are perhaps the most debated amongst today's youth. Let's deal with the more pressing question first: Like Iqbal said, the language has no social value, therefore learning the ancient Greek language beca…
  • Hey Child of Christ, I am not sure where you live or which church you goto, but I have found from experience, that the best place to find such a detailed mass book (kholagy) is in the monestry. I have once seen a kolagy that details every action/sa…
  • Hey everyone, You probably have noticed -that the wonderful people at copticmail have put a little portal (dunno if that's the term, embaressing for an IT person ;D) that puts on a new saying from the fathers every time you load the login page; do…
  • [glow=green,2,300]But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.[/glow] (2Timothy 2:16) [glow=red,2,300]But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.[…
  • josephgabriel, God said: "Blessed is Egypt My people" Isiah 19:25. In that verse, he was referignto his own people, not to the land or the government. God cares aobut people's hearts not their country of birth. I won't say that God doesn't work …
  • That's the song mnc_hnn, Thank you princessmary, thank you mnc_hnn. Love & Peace Sinker
  • Hey Kristian123, The pull out of Vitnam was because of change of government! Just like Iraq, unless another party takes over power, the trops will not leave, and even then, they won't leave immediatly (thank God that didn't happen so far :-\). Ms…
  • Hey guys/Girls, I may sounnd abit cynical here...what's the point of the protest? I've never in my life seen peacful protests change anything political, nor religeous. It's good to feel for our Christian brothers and sisters who are suffering in E…
  • Princess Mary, I think that it's the one, but I need the audio to make sure. Is it possible to send it to me? That would be great. Regards, His son
  • Hey Guys/Girls, It's have been a very long time since I visited the forums; but when I visisited, I couldn't help but notice this topic. Frstly, I'd like to say that we should pray for the peace of this world, and that God may protect the weak and…
  • Go chemistry ( i know that's not religious but hang on a sec) This relates to the other thread "i need help plz".;action=display;threadid=1478 When you look at science (chemistry, physics, bio…
  • :) Thanx for the story.
  • hey sixstringsoul, That report/explnation is really good, its mild too: in terms of its tone. You have to be careful though not to hurt her feelings, God calls us to be wise when dealing with people, so treating her aliittle harshly will do the op…
  • look mate, there is a thing here you have to understand. Quite frankly, most of these ppl at school don't know what they are talking about, sure they can say, evolution is fact, bigbang is evident...bla bla bla. Just ask them for that scientific pr…
  • You huys sound like, you're all Catholic,not that there is any thing wrogn with that. I just thought most of you us on the forum are orthodox. In anycase congratulations to their new pope. He's a: [glow=red,2,300]Conservative Hardliner[/glow] ..…
  • I know What you are on about, but unfortunatly, I don't know where i can get you an electronic copy from. soz :(
  • Spot on awad, couldn't have been said better. It is know that such relationships are not exactly perfect (especially at teenage). It seems that we all agree on the response to such a situation. However we often forget that the problem comes from a…
  • hey guy/girls, I am not a new member, its just that i cant retreive the password for the old one, but any how... Firstly I would like to point out that the Sin is NOT called Adultry. It is called Mast---ation. Ok? Secondly, we seem to be deviatin…