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  • You have to remember that angels are just spirits, just like it says in Psalm 104:4 "Who makes His angel's spirits, is ministers a flame of fire" and it's possible for spirits to sin and to fall. I.E. The Lord gives the disciples to cast out "unclea…
  • I think that Iqbal really explains it well, especially the last line. The whole trick of the matter is the truth of the vitrue, i.e. true love, true humbility. Unfortunately, more often than not we cannot discern between the true and the imposters.
  • Thank you soooooooooo much Iqbal, I want you to know that your efforts are really appreciated, thanks so much. Pope Kyrillos is such an amazing blessing and I'm sure he has helped us all out of tight situations, I personally owe him so much.
  • That's really cool, about what Andrew Saad said on why we open our hands when praying, but I'm pretty sure that it only applies to praying while standing, because when you're kneeling you have to keep your hand in a fist with your thumbs out. The re…
  • Wow, the oboe is really hard to play because of the double sided reed, that's awesome. Anyway, you guys are all awesome, I had no idea so many people played intruments on this site. Personally, I think it's really relaxing to play something, (once y…
  • Is it true that St. Athanasius wrote his book on the Incarnation when he was only 16 years old? I think I heard it when I was talking to one of the servants at my church. Anyway, if it is true, WOW!
  • St. Athanasius... definitely! ;D
  • Here's a question that I've been wondering about: If I'm not mistaken, we believe that the soul gives life to the body while the spirit gives life with God and as Leviticus 17:11 says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood." So then, is it cor…
  • Where was this
  • since she was in a state of sancifying grace, because God Preserved her from original sin, she did not sin through out her life. the Blood of christ did save Mary. She would not have been able to enter heaven before CHrists Ascension. Why did God ma…
  • lol, cool word Papist (Roman Catholic), it's like saying "greetings and salutations gentlemen" instead of hello, but still cool. Anyways, welcome, hope you enjoy the site. God Bless.
    in im new Comment by Luke90 January 2006
  • We are all brothers and sisters in the Lord Christ. To say the the Lord is limited to any particular denomination or congregation is not only false but foolsih and prudent. To make such gaps between ourselves that the rift becomes unpassable and the…
  • If someone is very skinny, like from being malnourished, then eating to excees isn't going to get him\her back to a normal weight any faster, and it's just unhealthy for them. I'm not a doctor or anything but I remember reading that you can't let a …
  • I'm pretty sure that type O blood is in very general terms considered the "universal doner" because the antibodies in type, A, B, or AB wouldn't attack it upon a transfusion. And also in very general terms I remember type AB blood being called the "…
  • Hey mazza, whats a deaconess? Probably a dumb question, but it just sparked my curiosity.
  • Matt88, you have to understand that the Catholic docterine of Immaculate Conception does not say that St. Mary was a virgin, what it says is that she was born without sin, hence the title "immaculate conception." Both Orthodox and Catholics believe…
  • WOW That is such a beautiful icon. Does anybody know from which Church it's from, because I remember going to the church in Holmdel (which is such a beautiful church by the way, Abouna Shenouda Halim, God give him rest, really put his heart and sou…
  • I think that we shouldn't be putting rules or making generalizations about love. When it happens, it happens hopefully according to God's will which can't be encapsulated in a single rule like "opposites attract." And ServantofJesus is right in sayi…
  • I think that rf_zachari brings up a good point, even though technically it was you that made the choice of your Foc, if you prayed to the Lord, then you should be reassured and know that it wan't beyond His reach to intercede, all we have to do is h…
  • That's a really good question and I honestly don't know and your right, it's a lot easier to do on paper. Anybody else have any ideas?
  • Sorry for that, my mistake. Anyways, yeah i think it would be technically ok, in my opinion at least, to seek someone other than your Foc, out for advice but the better thing to do would be to have a Foc who you feel comfortable with and who knows a…
  • Why don't you try going to a different Foc? Like one who is more sensitive, like you said? Just an idea.
  • Yeah, I really like this guy too and he truly deserved the peace prize. I didn't know he was going to build all those orphanages in Egypt though, God Bless him. Funny thing is though, President Bush really doesn't like him. He tried to get him rem…
  • I agree with you guys, but I still like magaizines like Time, newsweek, and now my friend gets national geographic for school and that has some really amazing pictures and I always liked that kind of photography. But, you all were right, I don't kno…
  • I don't like to rant or complain about anything but I really don't like what the Catholic Church is teaching in its schools. I'm sure MarMar91 would agree that they have reached an amazing distance from the truth. Their are so many problems, many of…
  • We and our sister churches seperated from the others at the fourth "so called" Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon. Wikipedia, I think, has a great description of the history of our Church, including the Council of Chalcedon.…
    in Orthodox Comment by Luke90 December 2005
  • I suppose she's afraid of the consequences or even if abouna will even believe her and even if he did what would the husband do... leave the house and kids, totally drop all prefaces and outright show hatred, no, I'm pretty sure the wife doesn't wan…
    in Divorce Comment by Luke90 October 2005
  • The thing of it is that, the husband is a great actor when it comes to the outisde world, he makes himself seem blameless and puts all of the wrongs on the wife. That's what's basically happened to them when they saw abouna, and then even a bishop. …
    in Divorce Comment by Luke90 October 2005
  • So basically, you can't gat divorced in our church except for sexual immorality ok, but what if the two people can't stand each other. They can't stay in the same room for more than five minutes before breaking out into a fight, and it's not a new t…
    in Divorce Comment by Luke90 October 2005