Things I can't find in the Bible

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
hey everybody,
there are a couple things that i've been searching for in the Bible for a while now and I just can't seem to find them.

First, I don't understand what exactly happened to Jesus after He died on the cross. I know we all say He went down to hades and defeated satan and freed all the people that where there or something, but what exactly happened, and I can't seem to find where in the Bible it says this.

Second, where in the Bible does it say that a lady came up to Jesus while He was carrying His cross to Golgotha and wiped His face with a towel. In all the movies of Jesus that I watched, this scene was included. I asked my mom where it says in the Bible that this happened and she said it's not in the Bible. So where did people get this from?

Thanks and God bless.


  • Not everything that happened was recorded in the Bible. We recieve many things that happened from our Church Fathers. In regards to what happened when Christ physically died on the Cross is clear in our church dogma and in books that are written by our Church Fathers. When Christ died, satan came to take his soul like he did anyone else at the time who died, bc the wages of sin was death. But when he came to take Christ's soul, Christ captured him and bound him up. He then went down to HADES (not Hell) to release the captives who were enslaved by sin, but through Christ's Blood were bought back and freed. This is not written in the Bible as you said, but we believe this to be true.

    As far as the woman who wiped Christ's face, im not sure where that came from or if its true or not...i know that there was a cloth that has Christ's image on it called the Shroud that was discovered fairly not sure what the official position of our Church is on it. However, i remember reading once that the Shroud was carbon dated and was said to be about 1200 years old, well short of the approximate 2000 years that it would need to be, to be from Christ's time. Obviously this isnt hard evidence, since carbon dating is not 100% accurate.

    Yalla, Rooh Ell'ab :-P

    God Bless
  • wait....

    wuts the difference between hell and hades
  • The former part of your two-fold question is answered by 1 Peter 3:18-20

    "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us[a] to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water."

    The latter part of your query can be answered at this site;

    If you need further explication, please ask.

    God bless.
  • carbon dating is about as useful as a one legged man in a football match
  • For simple exposition, Hades is the domain prescribed for the wicked after their death, in which, they are seperated by a great expanse from God and the righteous who are with Him in Paradise. The evildoers remian in Hades until their cataclysmic casting down into Hell when the world has come to it's end.
    Hell, the perennial abyss of sulfer and perdition is reserved for those, who currently in Hades, will face the wrath of God's fury on judgement day. There is much more to the concept of Hell and Hades, however such is the basic gist on the doctrine.

    God bless.
  • I have always been taught that there is a distinct difference bw Hell and Hades. Hell is the eternal place where a sinful soul spends the rest of eternity after it has been Judged accordingly. Hades is just the waiting place where a soul goes after a person dies and awaits the judgment. There is also a similar difference on the other side. Heaven is different from Paradise. Paradise, like Hades, is just a temporary waiting place for a soul while Heaven is the Eternal salvation that Christ has offered to us. This difference is in the Bible and made by Christ Himself. For example, Christ told the thief that He was crucified with, "today you will be with Me in PARADISE." Notice the word Christ used. In other parts of the Bible, Christ specifically mentions the Kingdom of HEAVEN. So clearly there, Christ distinguishes between the two places. We must be careful and make it clear that these "waiting places" are by no means the same thing as what the Catholics believe. Catholics believe in pergatory and this is directly conflicting with our Coptic Dogma and we do not believe in this.

    Pedrag Drobagniovich says... Rooh Ell'ab baeed inta wil tany :-P

    God Bless
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