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  • Well, I used to go to the Coptic church, but I began confessing to a Catholic priest, mainly because of the ill treatment I received from the Coptic priest. I was treated with anger, and I found the Roman priest much easier to deal with. I left th…
  • Well, the link didn't work. But, about a simple as answer I can give...Those whose names were put in the Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Those people who are to be saved. Election applies to angels as well, as the Scripture is pr…
  • I just stumbled onto this. Well, this is interesting, because I am in the process of becoming Roman Catholic myself, and used to go to a Coptic church, (I am technically still Coptic Orthodox), but IC is something I accepted rather readily, especia…
  • I don't know if I could have said it better myself.
  • kyrillos, God is probably using this to make you stronger, and to follow Him. You probably know deep down about God, but people, by the work of devils, will try to discourage you to make you weak. You may not be able to change anyone right away. …
  • Good comments in here! Well, the idea of the apple is pretty prevalent in the world. It's just important to know that it was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There's a lot of good info here regarding sin. Sin starts in smaller increme…
  • Well, the Bible doesn't call it an apple. It was a fruit though. The sin was big because it was rebellion. Also, sin began before then though, but not on the earth. Satan rebelled and sinned first. However, back to offerings. Jesus bore our si…
  • Anything to support your point of view? Scripture maybe? Take care! :)
  • Mikeg, that was a pretty neat answer, especially on the topic of free will. I personally don't like to use the term "free will", because I don't believe the will is free. We are under the influence of a sin nature. However, we can choose God by …
  • It seems to me that if one wants to marry, if they marry, both being Orthodox, they will eliminate a lot of problems in the future in the marriage. In Protestant churches the divorce rate is over 50%. There is much doctrinal confusion that is not …
  • well thanks for the complement! ;D
  • Well, I can't go along with the idea that all sin is equal. The scripture tells us that there are greater sins than others. For instance, in the Law, all sin was not punished the same. A worse sin deserves a worse punishment. However, all sin is…
  • Well, I couldn't agree that sin is all equal. Some sin is worse than others. I just don't want to have a wrong impression go out here. Christ Himself says in the Bible that those who delivered Him up was guilty of a greater sin. So this is a cle…
  • good to have you with the program! ;D
  • I'm from Columbia, MO, but there's no Coptic church here, and I go to St. Mary and St. Abraam Church at St. Louis. :D
  • Samaan: I need to tell you something else. Do not give the devils the time of day. They will try to convince you that it is not a sin, and then if you do it, they will discourage you and kick you. Personally, I could feel them almost touching me…
  • Samaan: You are on the right track. I read this last night, and thought I had better respond, because it is not right to have the key to a problem, and not help. I have this problem in my past. Since you are under conviction about this problem,…