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  • For me i think Music is one of the most fantastic things God ever gave us. In order to express ourselfs,modify our modes ( When i feel nervous,I try to listen to quite music, for example love story) Music in itself more than great,But like everythin…
  • I agree with Sleepy, Remember that God created Adam & Eve. Male genital tract & Femal genital tract not for purpose of pleasure, This is For Reproduction. Sex between husband & wife not the aim of their marriage,But it helps in their r…
  • I'm wondering why i don't have REPLY ICON on my topic "Marrying a Catholic" .
  • The same way , When i have Agpia in my hands,Sometimes i'm praying from my heart.Once i see beatifull girl OOOOOOOOOOOOO,then i repeat lord have mercy,Lord have mercy,Lord have mercy
  • By the way if u read my words in " Marrying a Catholic" u 'll see me as if i'm talking against the Holy spirit. But I'm telling u i'm not.When u think about something And u don't find good answer against what u saying, U'll be sad ( that what i'm fe…
  • DimYana I'll try to explain it for u as i understand. Jesus is a complete God as he is complete human. So we call him ( as he called himself) the son of man, And he is the son of God (God's word) When u speak against the son of man ,He prays for u ;…
  • Whoever thinks that he can calculate & tell about the time of this day He is not sinner, he is just an idiot. Here is my advice don't make yourself bussy with the end of the world, U better think about the end of your life. 2000 years ago Jesus …
  • Is it personal experience, Or book u read before. It is nice anyway ,I liked it i'm going to try to practice on these steps.
  • U have the book in your hand u trying to follow the events step by step, Easy u still kid don't run otherwise u 'll fall down , My advice : run your eyes over the words u can understand try to feel it . Is that what u want to say to God ( thank…
  • I liked that, Thanks ;)
  • Thier original country is Germany , They use that language at the same way we do the Coptic language , If they believe that they are right ( for me i don't think it is the way for salvation, At least not the best one ) Why i don't think in the same …