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  • the period before marraige to see if this person is right for you is what we know and love as the word called Engagement... contrary to popular belief... this is not binding... engagments are broken up allll the time... but to the western world it's…
  • what is age? age is but a number... but the maturity that's associated with each number belonging to each person is what we're looking for... it's really isn't about age.. but it's just the fact that RARELY ever has a teenage couple been ab…
  • ok...u guys can consider this an OFFICIAL intervention.. no... dating in the youth concept is wrong yes... dating in the MATURE ADULT who is perparing for marraige idea is perfectly ok no... you will never come up with enough evidence to say that da…
  • you can always get the "verse of the day" txt msgs provided by straight to your phone...
  • St. Veronica
    in Female saints Comment by marys May 2004
  • i am by no means condoning being submissive.. "be wise as serpents but as harmless as doves" we gotta find that balance between being discerning in the world we live in or taking it to the point where it becomes an overriding factor in our lives. Go…
  • random quote "preach always and when necessary, use words."
    in Ministering Comment by marys May 2004
  • quick list of the main differences.... and they're not only about the sacraments.. it's theological too... the question that the Holy Spirit PROCEEDS from the Father no traditions (no canons or ecumenical councils) they believe in salvation by faith…
    in Protestanism! Comment by marys May 2004
  • ah! ok... quick note... our church doesn't take political stances if you've noticed. we take the moral stand point and you won't exactly be hearing our priests or bishops talk about politics... it's kinda like... "Therefore submit yourselves to eve…
  • WELCOME! i'm mary... and this forum is pretty much a mishmash of everything relating to or not relating to dogma and theology... free for all if you will..
    in I'm new here! Comment by marys May 2004
  • you could also combine the two interpretations.. that once she saw Him she realized the truth of the Resurrection and she couldn't bare to let Him go again... This combines the idea of her momentary disbelief with her reluctance to part with her mas…
    in Mary Magdelene Comment by marys May 2004
  • i think the saying "mind (and spirit) over matter (or food in this case" if you can control you corporal self... then you can spend more time training your spiritual self.
  • quick verse.. "Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. " Romans 8:27 we figure if we make intercessions through those that He Himself makes inte…
    in Intercession Comment by marys May 2004
  • it's actually not the "uncut" version... quick verse... "And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen. " Jo…
    in Witnesses Comment by marys May 2004
  • here's the answer everybody wants to say... but won't know if they actually mean til the time comes (if it ever comes) Christ.
    in Sacrificing Comment by marys May 2004
  • his school wasn't started until wayyy after he wrote his gospel
    in Witnesses Comment by marys May 2004
  • quick reference to what egyprincess alluded to.. each of the gospels were actually written with a different audience in mind. St. Matthew wrote to prove to the Jews that He is the Messiah of the Jews and for the Jews by proving His full humanity.. S…
    in Witnesses Comment by marys May 2004
  • random verse: "Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth. " Jeremiah 33:6 ...there are truly something that we just weren't meant to understand yet, and there are some times tha…
  • ok...see here's the thing... with the Holy Spirit inspiring every word... they wouldn't be ABLE to write anything that God knows isn't true... see the catch?
    in Witnesses Comment by marys May 2004
  • the Bible was written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit... so wouldn't it make sense that the Truth would be written through these four...regardless of how they got their information?
    in Witnesses Comment by marys May 2004
  • it's interesting because the proper translation for that is "do not cling to me"... It's explained that Mary Magdalene was very focused on His corporal body and was close to missing the point of His resurrection... knowing the time she spent at the …
    in Mary Magdelene Comment by marys May 2004
  • you don't have to be able to read minds to see fear on someone's face...
  • quick verses...err...half-chapter "If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. Indeed, we put bits in horses' mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. Look also at ships: although …
  • the waiting period was more of a GIFT to the mother... in the time of the old testament, a mother who bore a son was greatly exalted and was given so much attention and care after the birth of her son, for everyone awaited the coming for the Messiah…
  • he can't read your mind... that would give him power beyond any other angel.... which is all he is... an angel with pride that turned him sour
  • i think we've lost sight of the topic... focus ppl focus *snaps fingers*
  • surely... after st.mark came to egypt.. the first of his followers weren't the jews (cuz remember..they were to stubborn post-mortum and resurrection of Christ) but they were the gentiles who were eager to follow the Christ they've heard so much abo…
  • nope... we're not cursed... we're not forgotten... we're blessed. "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance." Isaiah 19:25 "In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egy…
  • see the thing is... it's not planned as in written in stone... His knowledge has nothing to do with our decision... but out knowledge of Him should make us alter those decisions to honor His path.... "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for man…
    in Fate Comment by marys May 2004