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  • Like all things, sexual relation can be both good and bad. Anything used to fulfill selfish desires, in the end, is selfish and poses a certain level of lack of love. Pre-Marital relations is precisely that, it overlooks the beauty of the relation…
  • God bless your service penanko! I like the open source idea. If you don't mind me asking, what's the source of the texts? And was there an effort to merge efforts with CopticReader in order to not have duplicated work and divergence of sources and t…
  • @minasoliman, could you develop that last thought more concretely, that being the difference between the two types of priesthood, and how they can be biblically supported? (Sorry for the tangent). 
  • You only need to confess the sin. Specifics are only needed when you see it fit as a means to determine progression or a request to deal with a specific scenario. Otherwise, no specifics needed, just the sin. God be with you!
  • @RaafatAbualazm Pope Shenouda have a nice chapter on Freedom In Chapter 2 of his book called Ten concepts. Hope that helps! You can find a PDF here:
  • @RaafatAbualazm  I understand what you mean. You seem to have something very specific in mind that may have happened to you - don't hesitate to speak to a spiritual father about it, he may bring in a light and new perspective to it! In any case, I a…
  • @RaafatAbualazm Incorrect, that would go against the freedom God gave us. God will not impose his will. For His Will to happen in your life, you need to ask Him for it.
  • You are free to do what you wish and achieve what you wish.God will not get involved. This is the concept of freedom. Prayer is the not ability to request something expecting a return, it is the surrender of our personal will to His, as it is the co…
  • @RaafatAbualazm God bless your efforts! You’re questions are definitely interesting. Take the time to read the scriptures (if you haven’t already) and be critical. You’ll be amazed at the consistency of it. At a certain point, at least on a pers…
  • Dear anonymoussinner ,There are no requirements for you to confess. Confession is a must for all of us, we are all sinners. "Repentance turns adulterers into virgins". Confession is the completion of your repentance. There is no punishment, no judge…
  • @Beekay, Forgive me BeeKay for using the "bible says so" argument. I was simply answering the: "Would you still stand by your claim that "the Church will never change its stance?" question. Since we do not define our definitions of sin on purely rea…
  • Whether there is genetic evidence or not, it doesn't remove the words of the bible treating homosexuality as a sin, and evidently a spiritual disease just like any sexual activity outside of marriage.  I would anticipate it very hard to swallow, at …
  • @Dinami, God be with you through this. I cannot imagine understanding. I pray you can find comfort in the guidance of your father of confession. Remember however, that you are your husband's salvation and he will be your salvation. The way to achiev…
  • Dear hiten, You said it yourself, you know what the right thing to do is. Go to Abouna and confess. The priesthood of Christ granted to Abouna and the sacrament of confession will comfort you. Your struggles have been fought by others. Some succee…
  • ---there is a story of a monk. One of his weaknesses was his sexual desires. He would fall in this regularly but he used to rise up and say "God I know I'm bad and I don't deserve to stand in the front of you, but if you help the righteous people, …
  • @moderndaypharoah There are many steps to fasting. Speak to your father of confession about your fasting habits. If you feel that fasting is too easy for you using substitutes, he might tell you to cut some of them or all of them. Or he may to fast…
  • P.S. @Aelwyn82, @minasoliman, @Remnkemi Thank you very much for your efforts in this discussion. It has been a very interesting dialogue. Please don't stop ;)
  • @Remnkemi May I intrude and ask a beginners question? I have always understood it as you say, but if we can't distinctively call them two, how come then we say "He died in the flesh". My understanding has been that since He is in hypostatic union, …
  • As lame as this sounds, believing in the non-existence of God is just as crazy and doubtful as believing in the existence of God. There is too much order, there is too much beauty within this creation, it seems impossible that God wouldn't exist. In…
  • I do not believe you are obliged to tell your spouse anything. But, in my opinion, full disclosure and trust is an important foundation of marriage. I do not see why this should complicated anything in your marriage - but personally, I really wouldn…
  • @Mariyam, I pray that God grants you the strength and wisdom to deal with this perfectly.  It is great that you are willing to forgive him. That is a must. We must forgive. But that does not mean that because you forgive him that he is the right per…
  • Hard work will often lead to success. This is independent of being of being good or bad. This is free will.  Those who are good, you can be sure God protects. That does not mean you will automatically be granted success. All the opposite, He will gr…
  • Pray for your wife. Love your life. Give your life for your wife. That is your role. Anything else that makes you question that is an attack to break your bond of marriage. It is your role to lead your wife to heaven. Not necessarily by words or by …
  • Q3- as I alluded a bit earlier, yes it is the true body and blood of Christ but no it is not cannibalism. God is beyond this. We do not take it for super powers, we partake of Him because it unites us with Him. In sin, we reject God and are seperate…
  • For Question 2- St. Moses the black was a murderer, a thief, an adulterer. His story is inspiring to many. Their are many examples of great sinners turning to God in confession is being cleansed. There is St. Mary of Egypt. There are many. Sins of…
  • Hi Bishoy, Nice to see your search is continuing. God bless you. I will focus this post on answering your first question as it is a subject that I highly appreciate. Obedience is key to everyone's spiritual life. References to obedience and its r…
  • There is only one God, you cannot worship 2 different God's. You either worship the One and true God, or you don't ;). 
  • The right hand thief was not baptised. We call his baptism, the baptism of blood (his death on the cross). God is beyond the laws he put for us. If for reasons beyond our capabilities keep us from baptism, God is beyond it.
  • Pope Shenouda also said the following in his book 'The Nature of Christ':  The expression "One Nature" does not indicate the Divine nature alone nor the human nature alone, but it indicates the unity of both natures into One Nature which is "The Na…