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  • if only i read arabic...i should learn! Maria
  • when i am down, my friends make funny faces that instantly cheers me up...i am easy to make laugh.... Maria
  • welcom welcom egyptncopt! ahhh this site is great its addicting :) maria
  • kkkkkkk, i think that we should not take the Bible literally word for word. however we should take the message that it is trying to give us about how we should live our lives. Also the cross is a symbol of christianity. when u get the tatoo of the c…
  • thanks for clearing it up guys i really had no idea the church alowed it ! i really have no stance on this i just thought it was wrong! but thanks for clearing it up maria
  • THATS ALOT OF SNOW, we got another 10 cm tonight !!! how do u cope i get angry! maria
  • i go the same chruch as u maria
  • jfranklin! you make my life easy cause i dont have to explain it was obvious in my last point that had no patientc (homework has taken its toll) but you are understanding what i am trying to say ! so YAY! Maria
  • DESTROYED is such a harsh word! i know that when things trouble us it gets hard to deal... a while back i was in a sever car was bad, and it really affected me, u know i had only been driving for a month and this was just a shoker, and…
  • i know what you mean...i will look into the position thing and come back with an answer for the forum! Maria
  • its not the same in all dictionaries!
  • okay i am not 100% sure about the position thing, i was told this although i am not sure and i personally dont agree with it, i do however agree with jfranklin, well said! and thank you from your knowledge and wisdom, i learn alot from your posts …
  • i quit in grd 10 smartest thing i ever did! :) good luck i'll pray for you Maria
  • i couldnt Have said it better my self ! i love ur posts ! :) through the power of the holyspirt and the blood of Jesus Christ, no evil can be done unto you, because you can repel and fight all evil! i remember hearing something about a monk who live…
  • i dont think the church alows for the use of contreceptives and birth control, but i will ask about it ! MAria
  • ahh the position question, okay i said that and then i am not sure about that, thats what i heard at a lecture from one my priests! talk to your FOC!! maria
  • well i am glad you decided to join, i am from canada, check out the what church are you from topic, most people say where their from and what church they are from! Maria
  • thanks for the defintion of Christ Guys, i know what we copts believe, the point of the post, is that when someone who has never heard of Christ before and is looking through the dictionary and then comes accross that what do you think his or her re…
  • welcom fellow canadian! canada rocs although i am not entirely sure where my tax money is going but oh well! Maria
  • two sites i found: i dunno if they will help but u can check them out Maria
  • the most serious defect in the Tome of Leo is that it teaches that each nature acts on its own, and that the flesh receives insults while the Word receives glory. okay so this is what i gathered from what i read , that the tome of leo implied that t…
  • hey! its alright the definition of sodomy is in one of my earliar posts! so check that one out sorry too lazy to quote it :) anyways the other thing i cant answer talk to ur parents :) Maria
  • WELCOM i say the older the wiser , its great to have an older member among us ! long live tetas esspecialy the cooking skills! Maria
  • one inche..we had like 10 cm, i dunno what that is in inches i am so canadian..and then i am too lazy to do the math! i feel for u ilovesaintmark seriously thats a lot of snow! and my aunt i should call her see her reaction to the white stuff fallin…
  • okay...i missed alot so i skimed alot of the posts, ALL were right on the ball! The Man and The Woman are equal in the eyes of God, so why should Men be concidered superior to Women on earth?? In today's society the woman works, she is a bread winne…
  • yay! thank you ilovesaintmark! okay the brain before i get all hot tempered! in the name of the father the son and the holy spirt one God Amen! ... Alright so the issue of weather or not women should vote, first i would like to point out your gener…
  • ouch! i do not pick presidents based on weathe or not they looked good! sad generalization! (sorry if i offend but i was offended) anyways! women should be allowed to vote we have just as much right as men to vote! the president in power does not on…
  • u make a good point, i find that it is important to pray in matters such as these, and its important to take the advice of those older than you have experiance listen to everyone and waht they have to say then ask god for guidance and make your deci…
  • i wanted a tattoo of the coptic cross, but my mother refusses to let me have one! and as we know i cannot disobay the wish of my mother...but i dont think its worng, its importat to remember that christ is always with you!, i ware a cross all the ti…