Modern day beggers

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues
There are some aboriginal beggers who sleep on the street or atleast stay up very late at night and are always begging. I do not give them assuming they use it for drugs. But now I think they are really poor. Coul they really want drugs that much? I think they might want food. I think it is right to give to them perhaps in hope that they will use it for good. Are we to judge their intentions? are we not rather to give to them and make them ashamed for lying to us?  It is cold at night sometimes.. It is hard for me to live that life.. sitting in one place for a long time and just begging.. not doing anything with your life while you see others happy or whatever.


  • i think u should just give it, cause u never know what they might use it on, and it is kind of "non-of-ur-business**" u do ur part by giving them and they do their part by spending wisely or wasting it.... 

    ** when i say Non of ur business, it is more of a joke, don't take it seriously.....  u just do ur part...

    e.x. The saying that goes like "u give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; but u teach a man to fish, he will eat for a long long time (or somethinglike that)" in this example, u don't know if the man will actually eat the fish he catches or sell it and buy drugs...... the same with the other people, u don't know if they will buy food or go buy drugs(unless it is very obvious, like if htey smell like drugs and alcohol) ... from my point of view u do your part and hopefully they will do theirs too...            / \
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                                      does this make sence or is it weired and stupid???
  • "    does this make sence or is it weired and stupid???"

    does that picture make sense? sorry I don't like using my brain much (thats what it seems like with my life) to figure that out. Pray for me

    Umm they do sometimes smell like alcohol but still... well atleast some of them do.

  • it's not for us to decide what they will use the money nd if they're deserving,
    They are oubrother's and sisters in Christ, and they are in nees, and it's our duty to help them.
    and if you're SO concerned about that, doate to a sooup kitchen....or jus tgive them food if you want to save them from teh temoptations.
    But more, then food, they need ourextreme prayers because none of us really know how strong the HORRIBLE HORRIBLE addiction to drugs and such is, it can take over your life.
  • If you honestly give them cheerfully as God commanded, whatever they use it for is none of your concern nor will you be judged for it. Give them in all humbleness, love and cheerfulness, and you will have done your part.

    pray for me

  • I think St John Chrysostom said that if a man came to us on horseback (read Mercedes, or some such in modern parlance) and asked for alms we would be obliged to give.

    I have also been told that instead of just forking out to beggars we could engage them in conversation, ask them how they are doing etc. I find this hard when I'm on a mission to buy.
  • I am afraid I have made you think its okay to give to beggers... thats if its not okay
  • [quote author=mikeforjesus link=topic=6607.msg87902#msg87902 date=1210994457]
    There are some aboriginal beggers who sleep on the street or atleast stay up very late at night and are always begging. I do not give them assuming they use it for drugs. But now I think they are really poor. Coul they really want drugs that much? I think they might want food. I think it is right to give to them perhaps in hope that they will use it for good. Are we to judge their intentions? are we not rather to give to them and make them ashamed for lying to us?  It is cold at night sometimes.. It is hard for me to live that life.. sitting in one place for a long time and just begging.. not doing anything with your life while you see others happy or whatever.

    i once asked abouna the same question and he told me that if u see a poor man and u think if u give him money he will spend it on drugs then instead of money give him a sandwich or buy him a cheeseburger from mcdonalds or somethin like that. and if u see he has very little clothes instead of giving him money give him a jacket or a scarf or somethin like that.

    plz pray for me
  • We should give whoever asks of us. No matter what they look like they might do with it...
  • I was listening to a sermon by abouna Anthony, in the US
    and he said that he usually says no to them then comes back and gives them
    in case they are a test from God

    "when i was hungry you gave me to eat, when i was thirsty you gave me to drink, when i was naked you clothed me."
  • [quote author=Christrules link=topic=6607.msg89104#msg89104 date=1212373436]
    I was listening to a sermon by abouna Anthony, in the US
    and he said that he usually says no to them then comes back and gives them
    in case they are a test from God

    "when i was hungry you gave me to eat, when i was thirsty you gave me to drink, when i was naked you clothed me."

    wich sermon... do you know the name of it?
  • one of the Be atittudes
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