eleventh hour litany

edited December 1969 in Coptic Orthodox Church

Every iniquity I did with prudence and activity, and every sin I committed with eagerness and diligence, and of all torment and judgement I am worthy. Therefore, prepare for me the ways of repentance, O Lady the Virgin; for to you I appeal, and through you I seek intercession, and upon you I call to help me, lest I might be put to shame. And when my soul departs my body attend to me, and defeat the conspiracy of the enemies, and shut the gates of Hades, lest they might swallow my soul, O you, blameless bride of the true Bridegroom.

That part always gets me to think, isn't that alittle more than asking for intercession? What do you guys think? Give me guidance.

Pray for me.


  • Dear duck,

    The Virgin St Mary is the door of heaven as we call her in the 3rd Hour “  O Theotokos, you are the gate of heaven, open for us the gate of mercy.” The Mother of God is always interceding on behave of those  who believe of her perpetual virginity, as the Theotokos, the door of heaven, the mother of all saint and our trusted advocate before our Lord Jesus Christ.
    As the mother of all believers we ask her to receive our soul after departing and hand them to Our Lord and God Jesus Christ, so the enemy of all good wouldn’t have any authority on our souls. The Devil would grape those unbelievers and send them to Hades.
    Remember that the Lord at the Cross handed His mother to John the beloved, who represented all who love Him and His mother, when He said “ This is you mother ".
    On the appointed time, according to the will of God, when my soul were to leave the body,  I would love to be in the hand of my Mother of Light, the Virgin.
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