God's Love.

edited December 1969 in Faith Issues

I have a problem praying and I think it is due to my poor understanding of God's love towards us and my lack of love towards Him.

How can one learn to love God. I must admit that I do not understand Jesus passion. I cannot imagine it, comprehend it thus it has a very wick impact on me.

I cannot understand why would God go through all this pain for me. I am not worth of it. Why would He love me.

I want to love God back, please help.


  • try to think of your dad... would he do anything for you if u ask him? if you are hungry, doesn't he go get you food? if you are in trouble, doesn't he come to talk to you to try to help?
    now ask yourself, why is he doing this for me?? maybe because through him you came to earth, he loves you because you are his son/daugther... you stole his heart at the instant he saw that little baby for the first time...etc... etc.. etc...

    God's views us the same... we are his sons and daugthers, he would do anything for us because we stole his heart... and since God foresaw what will happen to us because of sin, He had to do something about it... and so he came down, and taught us how to pray and love him as he loved as first, and died for us "so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life"

    God is very sweet... all abounas say, "we love him because he loved us first"

    i'm with you... how can i love someone that i have never seen... i look at the saints and wonder... for example, anba bola, what did he see in God Jesus that made him live 90yrs without seeing a person? then i say to myself, through the experience that we gain about God, we will love him more and our love towards him should continue to grow everyday... that's what happened with anba Bola... he lived with God as he was growing up and loved him more everyday till the day he deceided to leave everything and become a hermit in the deserts... martyrs are the same story.

    try to simplify matters in front of you to understand big things... that's what i do.
  • thank you AnbaBola for your beautiful words.
  • Whenever you want to experience the love of God think about one single point: What would you do towards a person that died for you??? would you love him?? or not???
  • I like how you summed it up baladoos...
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