This one story that I had a question about...

edited December 1969 in Random Issues
[glow=red,2,300]So, this is the story I read in this little kids' magazine. [/glow]


In the army, when the soldiers did something wrong to anyone, they were whipped with long hard peiced of leather that would but into the skin of their backs and make their backs bleed.

It happened that a soldier stole some money from another soldier. That soldier reported it to the officer. The officer wanted to know who was guilty.

Officer: Who stole the money?

There was complete silence. None of the soliders would admit to it.

Officer: If you are not going to tell me who stole the money, you will all be punished with whips.

Again there was complete silence. No one wanted to say the truth.

One of the older soliders called Justin said to himself: Why punish everyone? I'll tell the officer that I did it so he will punish me.

Justin stepped forward to the officer and said: Sir, punish me.

Officer: What is your name?

Justin: My name is Justin.

Officer: Why did you keep silent and did not answer me when I asked who stole the money? Why did you cause me so much trouble?

Justin: Forgive me sir. I admit what I did was wrong.

The soldiers tied Justin to a tree and took his shirt off. Then the officer began to whip him. The strong whip cut deeply into Justin's back, but he did not scream. Again the whip camce down and there was another deep cut in his back. A third time it came down. Then a soldier called Robert jumped forward and screamed: STOP STOP. I STOLE THE MONEY. DO NOT WHIP JUSTIN ANYMORE. WHIP ME INSTEAD. STOP.

But the officer said: No, Justin has already been whipped and has already taken yor punishemnt. You are free.

Robert felt very ashamed of himself, but felt thankful to Justin.

Robert: I feel very sorry that I did not say the truth from the beginning. I do not know how much to thank you becuase you took my punishment. What can I do for you? I have to do something in return. Please tell me. You did a great favor for me. Now what can I do for you?

Justin: You don't have to do anything for me. all what you have to do is repent for stealing and promise to liv a new life as an honest and faithful soldier. That will make me very happy!! Can you do that?

Robert: I will promise you, Justin, that I will change my life and stop stealing completely. But I'll still never forget all the whips with which you were whipped instead of me. I am very thankful of you.

This story reminds us of what the Lord Jesus did for us on the cross . WE are the ones who sinned but he took our punishment. Not only was the Lord Jesus whipped 39 times for us, but he was crowned with the crown of thorns and his hands and feet were pierced with nails. Then he did for us. He innocent and we are the guilty ones, so why should be punished? It's his great love for us.
What can we do in return? Nothing except to love him and start an ew life away from sin. He will be very happe and when we repent and confess our sins, and start telling others about him and his great love.


Ok, so is it bad to put pain on yourself or take the blame so that someone else can get out of trouble. EVen IT ITS A GOOD DEAD

love lots,


  • I think it kind of depends on the situation so that's why i votes yes and no.

  • Well, Jesus always said that ''there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for another''. We can also relate this lying/not lying situation to Jesus also. He also took the blame for something which He didn't do, but it does not mean he lied. So i guess that YES IT IS OK if you take the blame for someone at school/church/work by saying that it is YOU that committed the offence and not the other person.

    However I would like someone else's input on this too please.
  • I'd think that this is not good you lie thats a sin
    so do you want to put urself in a situation like lie
    about something you didnt do so ur friend will be happy then hes not a good friend bottom line i think that he should admit what he/she did instead of letting the friend take the blame :-\
  • Covering something with a lie is in my opinion sin, but what does my opinion count,[move]it's God's decision if it's a sin or not.[/move]
  • i didn't realy get what the question had to do with our lord jesus christ
    Ok, so is it bad to put pain on yourself or take the blame so that someone else can get out of trouble. EVen IT ITS A GOOD DEAD
    lying is never a good deed.............and if you took his place this time he will do the same the next time and reli on you.............once a bad guy always a bad guy unless jesus himself changes him

    okkkkkkkkkkk i know i don't get this................ ??? ???
  • I think there was a story of a monk I think who lied to another monk and said he fell into the sin of fornication as well so at to make the other monk not despair or something.. And this was supposedly a good thing the monk did.

    Maybe I said the story wrong or something.. maybe he didnt lie or something..

    It seems to me lying is always wrong maybe.
  • he did not lie... but rather he took upon himself the sin of that person... thus he did not lie... but rather offered a sacrifice...
  • in a way, he did lie. he knew it wasn't him so he said that it was. i know that like some of you said, god picks if it's a sin or not, but technically he did lie + help this person out.

    love lots,
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